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Saturday, March 14, 2009


Martyr insyaallah
They still smile
There is no word of the sentence terucap but takbir, Allahu Akbar, on the condition jenasah third martyr Bali. Not how the three martyr is very clear signs appeared as a martyr, as usual in the cauldron of war, even though they 'are not war' against the enemies of Islam.
After some long waiting, finally Kantor Berita Islam get permission from the family, represented by Bp. Ali Fauzi, to publish the photo of two mujahid Bali Amrozi and Ust. Mukhlas. Bp Ali Fauzi instruct that this photo distributed to give evidence on the real mystery and polemic going to Bali over Mujahid, especially martyr Tenggulun, related to their status, whether or not to die a martyr. Besides providing real boon to all Muslims that Islam is the struggle they have really high for the sincere expressions of God, and not just to show the action.
As a martyr killed in medan jihad, martyr second photo Tenggulun visible rows of teeth with a smile that looks neat. Moreover, going with Amrozi. Smile typical of "The Smiling Bomber" is in line with both eyes open, look as if something that met with awe. May welcome a pair of woman-friendly.
Conditions not much different happening with jenasah Ust. Mukhlas. Scholars who champion berorasi this show with the smile that is also open. Clean face is a sign the other. Also face a net held by the "Hacker Mujahid, Imam Samudera alias Abdul Azis. Priest show and clean-looking face, exactly the conditions Ust. Mukhlas.
Besides the analysis Mujahid Bali third photo, the information from the field to strengthen the evidence that the third action is the jihad of the Mujahidin, they have a sincere intention and to meet death as a martyr. Here is the evidence and from the testimony of the field.
1. One of the pelayat a chance sit in the residence Hj. Tariyem is Ust. Abdul Rachim Ba'asyir. Watching that when keranda jenasah entrance and cover keranda opened, torn tercium aroma that spread to all rooms. This incident was to make the surprise pelayat, because the narrow space inside the air is very stuffy and berjubel visitors in a single room. When the oil is fragrant of perfumes, will not be able to overcome the stench of the visitor and will not be able to provide fragrant aroma with the same degree. "Allahu Akbar. That is not the smell perfume. Not. But redolence of asy martyr," he said.
2. In addition, still according to the Ust Abdul Rachim, when the cover face of Ust. Mukhlas in the open, clearly visible fascicle-fascicle sweat patch at the front. The same conditions that occur with those who are still alive and in condition mugginess. As Ust. Mukhlas mugginess feel the same with the mugginess experienced by the pelayat him.
3. As dilansir by some national media, such as, visible clearly visible phenomenon came three black birds on the residence of martyr. Thirdly it is clearly not a bird Gagak be as many in the media, because it has a long neck. They come simply spin for about seven minutes, and then scatter away. Two black birds flying towards the East, they represent acceptance of the practice jihad Ust Amrozi and Mukhlas, and a black bird flying to the West, as a landmark on the self-martyr 'Mujahid Hacker' Imam Samudera. The phenomenon of black birds came this opportunity to create atmosphere with haru cry takbir the pelayat.
4. As word uterus brother Imam Samudera, Lulu Jamaludin, when the sister appeared eccentricity will be included in the burrow lahat. Fragrancy tercium also from the Imam jenasah. In addition, the former shot wound bullet sharp constant stream of fresh blood. The flow of blood is like going out with someone who is still alive when injured. Still according to Lulu as well, face sister clean and more presentable than usual.
5. Latest news just received by one of the crew Several days ago, exactly three days after the funeral and Amrozi Ust. Mukhlas, family Hj. Tariyem ask some people to maintain the cemetery. This is done to avoid and keep the things that are not desired. Some of them took guard is Sumarno, Baror, Rosyidin, Mashudi and several cottages santri Al Islam Tenggulun Lamongan. They smell the aroma out of the grave (tomb). Fragrancy the same when they first open the cover jenasah martyr. However, the aroma is not like the smell of perfume that they wear or the normal use by most people.
Clear explanation has been given to Allah swt through his greatness. Although the parties disputed the many, to give voice flat, and lay a mass opinion to the status memojokkan Bali Mujahid, and through a trick to make a man of the government apparatus, but others have God. And who better as a trick? (far / MD) (

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