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Monday, March 16, 2009


Review of language meaning meaning qiraat is reading, while the term is the flow - flow in a different menuturkan (pronounce) al - Qur'an. Each - to keep the flow of bacaannya own way according to the confidence and knowledge that they find. Be that way - I read this based on the genealogy to the Prophet.
Different case with al - Zarqaniy in his book entitled al Manahil - Irfan fil 'Ulum al - Qur'an part I, that is the qiraat terms of the language is read in accordance with the source of the audible. The term sect - sect (flow - the flow of) different among the al - qurra 'enunciate in al - Qur'an, but the methods and history there is agreement.
Reviewed in terms of the position of the scholars share the type of assessment qiraat to the three sections, namely:
1. Qiraat mutawatir
2. Qiraat Sunday
3. Qiraat syaz (and often bizarre)

Qiraat the number of mutawattir have seven and the number of qiraat yangahad have three and selainnya is syaz. According to Al - Qaththan in his book Mabahits fi 'Ulum al - qiraat in the Qur'an that there are seven figures - namely tokohnya.

1. Abu 'Amar bin Al -' Ala '. Full name is Ziyan bin 'Ammar al - al Maziniy - Badhariy (died 154 H)
2. Ibn Katsir. Ahíla full name of Abdullah bin al Katsir - Makkiy (died 120 H)
3. Nafi al-Madaniy. Ahíla full name Abu Rawim bin abd al - Rahman bin Ubai Na'im al - Li'iy (died 169 H)
4. Ibn 'Amir al - Syamily. Ahíla full name of 'Abdullah bin' Amir al - Yahshabiy (died 118 H).
5. 'Ashim al - Khufiy. Full name 'Ashim bin Abi al - Nujud (died 128 H)
6. Hamzah al - Kufiy. Full name of Hamzah bin Habib bin 'Imarah al - al Zaiyat - Farid al - Timiy (died 156 H)
7. Al - Al Kassaiy - Kufiy. Full name is "ali bin Hamzah (died 189 H)

BACKGROUND precipitation difference QIRAAT

I know a little background about the emergence perbedaaan qiraat different because of the interest in listening or reading he took. Some feel that they have enough with only one qiraat while others take a few qiraat. Then the friend of this scatter to all corners of the world still using the qiraat Yana only find it from Rasul.Menurut al - Zarqaniy that qiraat due to the emergence of differences in the early - early al - Qur'an was written down without using dots and lines. This is to invite readers in various ways - in accordance with the kind of understanding that is understood from these verses. Al Zarqaniy further explained that the different ways of taking readings from the Apostle causing tabi'in and Tabi 'tabi'in narrate from them with a different way - different.
Differences in the incidence of qiraat verse - verse al - Qur'an as explained by al - 'Ibyariy (especially qiraat sab'ah) is the difference interprestasi from the hadith that the Messenger said NAJALAL QUR'ANA' ALA SAB'ATIH AHRUFI. As is the case here are seven ways the seven reading. Umar bin khathtab said, that al - Qur'an was revealed with the language Mudhar. Mudhar tribe tribe has seven children, namely: Huzail, Kinanah, Qays, Dhibbah, Taimurrabab, Asad Ibn Khuzaimah and Qureisy

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