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Saturday, March 14, 2009


This is a real khasus which occurred in a private well in the University of North Sumatra (Friends of Complaints About Bureaucracy academic difficulty in Medan)
In this year he completed Allah S 1 At university, all in the Terms that have enjoined the students to have a glass can be met, but he choked with the problems that the administration legelisir high school diploma, before he graduated high school / high school abroad that are not include fingerprints, pasfoto and never in legalisir, but if pigin to see absahan students and diploma can be seen in one of the sites them.Hal this to be the major reason that he choked to complete its strata 1.
He was of the bureaucracy, both menayakan to university officials (1 Assistant Dean, Assistant Dean 3) does not menemuhi point of light, get even more obstacles menghabatnya.Beliau ask (ask for advice) to me and I can only give to him for solutions to melegalisir ijazahnya Education Office of North Sumatra, this is a question mark again, "whether North Sumatra Education Office also rejected overseas diploma?"
Things like this that make education in Indonesia left behind from other countries, remember that 8 years ago, a decline of our education standards in Malaysia, now reversed, the KTA to institute them. This we do not know, oknom - such as personality that utilize occupation bureaucracy, there are indications that arise, whether they do with the system pendidkan in other countries, or not at all a (left) from other countries.
I urge ..... If I can dipermudah ...... Dipersulit? Whether this system among, students, and construction in our country?

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