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Saturday, March 14, 2009


4. Principles - Education Quality Improvement Principles

There are some that need to be held prinsi in implementing the program of quality education diataranya as follows:
Improvement of the quality of education according to the professional leadership in the field of education. Quality management education is a tool that can be used by the professional education dlam improve our nation's education system.
Difficulties faced by the professional education is their inability to confront the failure of the system that prevent them from developing or implementing new processes or ways to improve the quality of education available.
Improvement of the quality of education must make leap - leap. Old norms and beliefs must be changed. Schools must learn to work together with the source - the source is limited. On the professional education should help students develop the ability - the ability required to compete in the global duni.
Money is not the key in quality improvement efforts. Quality education can be improved if administrators, teachers, staff, supervisors, head office and offices to develop attitudes that focus on leadership, team work, cooperation, accountability and rekoknisi. Money is not a quality-enentu.
The key to quality primary education is a commitment to change. If all teachers and school staff have a commitment to change, leaders can mudahmendorong with them to find new ways to improve efficiency, productivity and quality of education services. Teachers will use a new approach or model - a model to teach, guide and train students in helping the development. Similarly sataf admnistrasi he will use the new process in preparing the cost, problem solving and developing new programs.
Stout prrofesional in the field of education have less knowledge and expertise in meyiapkan students entering the job market is global. Terhadapperubahan fear or fear to make a change will make the knowledge and how to overcome the demands - demands new.
Quality improvement program in the commercial sector can not be used directly in education, but need adjustment - adjustment and refinement. Cultural, environmental and work process of each organization is different. The professional education must be provided by a special program designed to support education.
One of the key component in the program is a system of quality measurement. By using the measurement system allows the professional education can mendokunentasikan attention and value added of the implementation of programs to improve the quality of education, both to the students, parents and masyarakat.Masyarakat and management education must dissociate themselves from the habit using the short program, quality improvement can be achieved through changes not sustainable with the program - short program

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