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Saturday, March 14, 2009


Paragraph 1: In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1

[1] That is: I start to read al-Fatihah is the name of God. Every job is good, should begin with a mention of God asthma, such as eating, drinking, animal slaughter, and so forth. Substance is the name of God the Most Holy, who is entitled to be real, who does not need His creatures, but creatures who need Him. Ar Rahmaan (Most Gracious): a name that God gave the understanding that God bestow His bounty to His creatures, are ar Rahiim (Merciful) to provide understanding that God is always the cause Rahmah He always bestow His mercy to the creatures - Him.

Paragraph 2: Any puji [2] for Allah, Lord of the Worlds

[2] Alhamdu (all praise). Because people are praising the good deeds that dikerjakannya with their own volition. So praise God berrati: laud his deeds as well. Another case with gratitude that means: someone recognizes the superiority of the favors granted. We listen to all praised God because God is the source of all goodness is praiseworthy.

[3] Rabb (God) means: that God be obeyed The Own, Educate and Maintain. Rabb pronunciation can not be used for other than God, unless there is the connection, such as the temple of rabbul (host).
'Alamiin (the worlds): God created all of which consist of various types and kinds, such as: human nature, natural animal, plant life, things die, and so forth. God the creator of all nature-that nature.

Verse 3: Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Paragraph 4 of the [4] on the day of reckoning [5]

[4] Maalik (The Works) with elongate mim, he means: the owner. Can also be read with Malik (with short mim), meaning: King.

[5] Yaumiddin (Day of): a diwaktu that each man received a recompense of good deeds and the bad. Yaumiddin also called yaumulqiyaamah, yaumulhisaab, yaumuljazaa 'and so forth.

Paragraph 5: Only that we worship You [6], and only to Thee we ask for help [7]

[6] Na'budu taken from the word 'ibaadat: adherence to and compliance caused by the feeling of the greatness of God, who is worshiped as God, because God has be convinced that the absolute power by it.

[7] Nasta'iin (ask for help), fetched from isti'aanah words: expect to be able to help finish a job that is not able to be done with the self.

Paragraph 6: Show [8] us the straight way,

[8] Ihdina (Show us), from the word hidayaat: a guide to the correct road. The definition of this verse not only gives Hidayah, but also give Taufik.

Paragraph 7; the way the people whom thou hast given grace to them, not the (way) of their wrath, and not (the way) those who go astray. [9]

[9] The definition of their wrath, and they are all gone astray is that deviate from the teachings of Islam.

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