Media Create Interactive Learning with Presentation Software
Ouda TEDA Ena
ILCIC (Korean Language and Culture Intensive Course)
University Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
To date, the interactive media BIPA has not been developed with the optimal in Indonesia. One of the constraints of the development of interactive media is less dikuasainya technology development of interactive media by the teachers and managers in BIPA.
Software development of learning materials available at this time as Course Builder, Visual Basic, or Dream Weaver complex enough so that only occupied by the computer programmers and managers BIPA, in general, just learning the language. So the development of learning materials with interactive computer less optimal.
Development of interactive media can BIPA with optimal cooperation between computer programmers with the program BIPA. A more ideal is a pengelaloa BIPA the computer program.
The goal of this workshop is to create a media BIPA easily, even for people who are blind even though a computer program.
BIPA making interactive learning media will use this presentation software Microsoft Powerpoint 2000, a software that provides many benefits for language learning. Two main advantages of this software are:
(a) available in all computer berprogram Microsoft Office;
(b) can be developed by a blind person a computer program.
Although the software is easy and simple but can provide a great benefit for learning the language. This software can display text, images, sound, and video. Thus, this software can accommodate all of the interactive language learning activities such as listening, reading, writing and language also play games. Views of the resulting software can semenarik program that was built with a sophisticated software.
A. Learning Languages
Learning foreign languages is a complex process with many complicated phenomenon that is not so surprising that this can have a meaning that is different for each person (Ellis, 1994). Learning is affected by several factors. Main factors that are associated closely with pemerolehan language is foreign language learners, learners external factors, internal factors learners, and learners as individuals.
Language learners is one of many symptoms that the researchers observed pemerolehan to see a foreign language. One of the symptoms of language learners, for example this is a mistake. With the error that may have seen the language pemerolehan someone who in turn approaches a specific learning or teaching can be applied.
Factors outside or inside pembelajr own aspects that are not less important to be able to understand pemerolehan language. Outside factors such as learners and the environment interaction. Two factors influence the development of this pemerolehan foreign language. While internal factors such as learners from the influence of first language or other languages. Another factor that is not less important is the learners themselves as an individual. Each has a difference of learners with other learners. They have different learning strategies.
Interactive media is a media that is made to meet the various needs of foreign language learners at one or all the factors that affect second language pemerolehan found this difficult.
B. Learning Media
Media is a tool that has the function of the message (Bovee, 1997). Media is a tool that serves to convey the message of learning. Learning is a process of communication between learners, teachers and teaching materials. Communication will not walk without assistance penyampai message or the media.
Forms of stimulus can be used as a medium of which is human interaction or relationship; realia; images moving or not, writing and voice is recorded. Fifth of this stimulus will help learners to learn a foreign language. However, not easy to get the fifth one in the form of time or place.
Tehnologi computer is an invention that allows to bring some or all of the stimulus so that learning a foreign language will be more optimal. However, problems arose not be that easy. Teachers are people who have the ability to form the fifth stimulus in the form of learning. However, most teachers do not have the ability to bring the fifth stimulus was a computer program with a computer programmer while not learning the language.
Way out is the stimulus-stimulus program in the computer using software that is easy to learn, so therefore the teacher will easily realize the ideas teaching.
Media that both must meet several requirements. Media should increase the motivation of learners. The use of the media have a goal to provide motivation to learners. In addition, the media should also stimulate learners remember what has been learned in addition to providing new stimulus to learn. Media also will enable the learners to give feedback, feedback and also encourage students to do the practices correctly.
There are several criteria to assess the effectiveness of a media. Hubbard proposes nine criteria to found (Hubbard, 1983). Kreteria first is cost. Cost must be considered with the results that will be achieved with the use of the media. Other criteria is the availability of supporting facilities such as electricity, a match with the size of the class, brevity, the ability to change, preparation time and energy, a cause, complexity, and the last is the purpose. The more the goal of learning can be assisted with a media that increasingly o.k. media.
Criteria above for more conventional media. Thorn propose six criteria to evaluate interactive multimedia (Thorn, 1995). Assessment criteria, the first is ease of navigation. A program as possible should be designed so that language learners do not need to learn the computer first. The second criteria is the womb kognisi, other criteria are the knowledge and presentation of information. Second criteria is to assess the content of the program itself, whether the program meets the needs of the learners or not. Fourth criterion is the integration of media where the media should integrate aspects of the language and skills that must be learned. In order to attract learners program should have the view that the artistic aesthetics is also a criteria. Assessment criteria is the last function as a whole. The program must be developed to provide the desired learning by learners. So that at the time a program is finished running a feeling he will have learned something.
C. Learning English with Computer
Computers have been applied to start in learning the language began in 1960 (Lee, 1996). In 40 years the computer is no different periods based on the tendency of the existing theory. The first is the period of learning with the computer with the behaviorist approach. This period marked by the repetition of the method emphasizes drill and practice. The next period is a period of learning komukatif as a reaction to behaviorist. The emphasis is more on learning the forms is not in the form itself as in the behaviorist approach.
Period or the tendency of the latter is integrated with the computer. Provide integrated learning in the press of various skills-speaking, listening, speaking, reading and writing and integrating tehnologi more fully in the learning process.
Lee formulate at least eight reasons why there is the computer as a medium for learning (Lee, 1996) The reasons for that are: experience, motivation, improve learning, authentic materials, interactions with more knowledgeable, more personal, not glued on a single source, and the understanding global.
With tersambungnya computer on the Internet then learners will gain a broader experience. Learners are not only a passive recipient but also the determination of learning for himself. Learning with the computer will give the motivation is higher because the computer is always associated with fun, games and creativity. Thus the learning process itself will be increased.
Learning with the computer will give learners the opportunity to get that authentic learning materials and can interact more widely. Learning is becoming more personal which will meet the needs of the learning strategy is different.
In addition to the advantages and benefits of learning with computers, of course, there are shortages and kelemahannaya. Obstacles the computer as a medium of learning are: funding constraints, the availability of software and computer hardware, the limited technical knowledge and acceptance of teoris and tehnologi.
Funds for the provision of computer network with enough for such expensive software and severity. Media pembelajaranpun less developed because of the limitations of technical knowledge from the teacher or the teaching personnel and limited theoretical knowledge of the language of the programmer.
D. Microsoft Powerpoint 2000
Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 presentation is the application that is one of the application under Microsoft Office. The biggest advantage of this program is not need to purchase the software because it is in Microsoft Office. So at the time of installation of Microsoft Office program itself will be installed. This will reduce the burden on barriers to the development of the computer as presented by Lee.
The advantage of this program is sederhananya display icons. Icons making the presentation more or less the same as the icons that Microsoft Word is known by most computer users. The user does not need to learn programming language. With the icon that is known and pengoprasian language program without the constraints of learning with a computer can be reduced hanbatan the technical and theoretical knowledge. Teachers or linguists can make a program of learning the language without having to learn a computer language first.
Although the program is actually an application program to create presentations, but there are facilities that can be used to make the language learning program. Dihasilkanpun program that will be quite interesting. Other advantage is that this program can connect to the Internet network.
1. Insert Text, Picture, Sound and Video
Facilities that are important from the program apliokasi this is a facility to display the text. With this facility the program can display different text for different purposes such as learning to write, read, or learning the other.
How to enter text in the program this application cukuip simple. After the computer and enter the Power-point program in 2000 and after selecting the type of display screen so the user can press the menu insert will appear after the various options. One option is the insert textbox. Press the menu and text box will appear in the display presentation. The next step is to copy the text you want included and then menempelkannya (paste) in the box provided. If you do not want to copy can also write directly in the text box that is available.
To enter a picture langkahnyapun same way to enter text. First press the menu insert after insert menu select picture. After this menu is selected the two options will appear from the file ... and clip art from ... When programmers want to include images from the file then press the first option and if you want to use images from clip art that is already in the computer then press the second option.
Voice and video are the two facilities provided by Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 that support the programming language learning. To enter the video press the menu and then press insert the movies and sounds. So the two options will appear for each. For voice (sounds) appear sounds and sounds from a file from Gallery as well as for the movies will be shown options Movies Movies from file or from Gallery. Programmers choose to live that type of file will be included.
2. Make interesting viewing
Views manarik which will increase interest and motivation for learners to run the program. There are some facilities that are provided to make the look interesting. Facility is the first background. Background program will embellish the look. There are several types of background are offered, the first is the color, the second with the texture and the third is to install the image from the file itself.
Step is the background by pressing the menu and then pressing the menu background. After that will appear background fill options, more color and fill effects. When programmers want to choose colors that already exist then press apply, if you want to choose your own color press and more color, select the color and press apply, and if you want to give the texture image itself, or press and then fill effects, or select the texture image and press apply.
Other facilities that will make the display more interesting is the animation facilities. With this facility the pictures and text will appear to the screen in a way that appear vary. This facility allows animated images or other objects appearing from different directions or with a different way. Objects can fly from the top, bottom, right, left, or from a corner. Objects can also appear from the middle or from the edge. With a little creativity this facility could generate an interesting language games.
Making animation begins by selecting the objects that will be made animation by clicking the object. After that select the Slide Show menu and then select Custom Animation. After pressing the menu that will appear among the various choices and order to set the timing and sequence of time appear to the screen effects and also the option to set the desired effect.
3. Creating Hyperlinks
This facility is very important and support the language learning process because the program can hyperlink to other programs connected to the network or the Internet. Hyperlink or relationship in one program will allow programmers to give feedback directly to the learning process. Relationships with other programs will enrich the learning facilities that support and relationship with the internet will open the possibility of learning a variety of the more knowledgeable, personal and authentic.
Hyuperlink step of making is to select the item that will link us to other programs or the Internet. After we select the object we click on the insert menu and then clicking on the hyperlink then the dialog box will appear and then we write the address dituju for example a file or a website and then click OK then the object will be connected to the address written. The second way is through the slide show and then pressing the action settings, after that the dialog box will appear. Fill with the address and click the OK then the object will be connected to the desired address.
Facilities above the main facility is in the development of language learning materials using Microsoft Powerpoint 2000. Other facilities are additional facilities to make the program look more interesting and easy to use.
E. Developing Language Learning Skills with Microsoft Powerpoint 2000
Development of learning materials, especially listening and reading can be developed easily with this program. Language learning materials produced by the very day the application is quite interesting, especially learning the material in the form of the game.
1. Read
Facilities show the text in the application allows the creation of learning material with easy-reading skills. The program can enter text in the first slide, then enter the second slide dlam practice and feedback exercises in the next slide. To attach the display of text-reading the text can also be equipped with various images. If you want to provide the learning materials that can be more authentic then given a web site address. Learners will read the text on the site and then return to the program and do the exercises and then view the slide feedback.
2. Listen
With facilities include voice and video learning the skills to listen to have more choice of variations. Programmers can create learning materials with video or audio. As with the learning materials, exercises and feedback can be provided in the slide-slide different. Facilities hyperlink that allows the program associated with the Internet network will enhance the provision of learning materials.
3. Writing and Speaking
Limited application program is on the feedback in the form of writing. This program does not have facilities which enable learners to provide feedback in writing or vote. However, limitations in the program provides feedback to vote for this can be corrected with a combination of learning strategies, namely self-learning and incorporate a pair. After running a computer program are given the task of learners to interact with other learners.
Meanwhile, to overcome the limitations in the feedback form memberika any posts can be overcome with practice facilities hyperlink. At the time there is the task of writing dihubungan learners with programs that have facilities such as writing a Microsoft Word for example.
F. Create Games
Facilities that have above also support the development of learning materials in the form of the game. Skill games like hangman or a mine Sweep program can be developed with this application as well as games that rely on speed.
Each game is made, of course, should be adjusted with the goal of learning. Games mine sweeper (Sweep mine) for example can be used to facilitate learning vocabulary, the system verba language or learning the words before.
G. Limited Program
In addition to the benefits of the program had been presented this application has some limitations. Main limitation is that learners can not interact directly to write a comment or a question that is. Facilities that have facilitated responses only in the form of options.
However, with the limitations this program is still offering enough facilities to create a program for learning languages easily with the results of interest. Selamat mencoba.
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Hubbard, Peter et al. 1983. A Training Course for TEFL, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
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Schocolnik, Miriam. 1999. Using Presentation Software to Enhance Language Learning. The Internet Tesl Journal, Vol. V, No.3, March 1999, http:/ ~ iteslj /
Saturday, March 14, 2009
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