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** Milis Nasional Indonesia PPI-India ** REPUBLIKA
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Menyoal School-Based Management
By: KusmantoGuru SMUN Wonosari-Klaten
Strategy in improving the quality of education, one of them tried a new approach to the management of quality school-based education (school-based quality management). Concept that was launched by the Education Ministry, 1-2 years ago, this stand of the theory of effective school with a focus on process improvement pendidikan.Manajemen own school-based efforts is the adaptation of the new paradigm of education decentralization. Giving rights to autonomous schools to develop a positive initiative for himself. MBS (School-Based Management) - according to Dr. JC Tukiman Taruna, a specialist education - in an ideal implementation mensyarakan some things, namely: a) Improvement of Quality Management to the school through financial transparency, participatory planning, accountability and responsibility (accountability ). b) Improvement of learning through PAKEM (active learning, creative, effective and fun). c) Increasing the role of the community through frequent / large number of public awareness of the increasing dimensions of success sekolah.Untuk MBS have some indicators that diprasyaratkan, among them are: 1) the school environment a safe and orderly. 2) The school has a mission and who want to target the quality achieved. 3) The school has strong leadership. 4) There are high expectations of achievement for school personnel. 5) The development of school staff who continue to Iptek according to demand. 6) The implementation of the ongoing evaluation of various aspects of academic, administrative, and use the results to perfection and quality improvement. 7) There is an intensive communication and support from parents and masyarakat.Pendekatan MBS selected in order to improve the quality of education, which allows the transfer of decision-making authority of the office of the central and / kandep to the school level. In addition, management provides the authority for wider control of the school principal, teachers, students, and parents of the education process in schools, through the provision of the responsibility to make budget decisions, personnel, and implementation of the curriculum. With the involvement of teachers, parents, community members and others in this important decision-making, menajemen this can create a learning environment more effective for students (hero, 2001). The purpose MBS own mengefektifkan efforts directed at the management school in the hope that: 1) Individual involved in competent decision making. 2) Member school community have rights. 3) Focus on the responsibility (accountability). 4) Creativity in the planning program. 5) The setting back human resources. 6) The allocation of more budget realistis.Drs Sugiaryo, MPd, Sulis and Agung Nugroho - specialist developers of education initiatives and competency-based curriculum (KBK) - in an academic essays, in journals Joglo Vol VI No 1, 2003, to provide analysis of why MBS referred to as a renewal in management education. MBS has a goal that orientatif, among them: 1) MBS as a media culture change in schools. 2) MBS as a medium of internal and external needs in schools. 3) Focus is on the MBS and the recipient of our services. 4) MBS is anticipating a change for the purpose of MBS will datang.Namun above will not be successful without accompanied by strategic steps. MBS will be the only discourse only. For the MBS requires prerequisite conditional namely: First, it is necessary to have a strategic agenda for the Training and professional development for teachers and other components of school teaching, school management, and solutions masalah.Kedua, it is necessary to have information about the performance of schools to the needs of parents and community and school resources to help schools make the decision component of jitu.Ketiga, the system needs to reward (reward) as a recognition of the efforts in participatory development and improvement of quality / performance of the school. Fourth, there is the principal leadership and the availability of skilled guidance mechanism to direct the implementation of curriculum and instructional efforts lainnya.Kelima, dirumuskannya and diwujudkannya vision, mission, goals, strategies, objectives, and activities at various schools tersebut.Namun values / concepts in the implementation of the ideal MBS will not be optimally successful, when structural and cultural obstacles can not be resolved through the action agenda by supporting the various components pembelajaran.Kendala structural strength is not Goodwill's education authorities at the central / regional / school to develop a climate in the democratization of education and interaction school bureaucracy. During this time there is the reality that the 'school' digs into a variety of corruption practices in the education world. And the school principal who holds the authority and "power" over the school's internal policies, is the representative of the institution / educational bureaucracy on top of it. So do not become "part" of the relationship bottom up with the stakeholders of the school component of the cultural lain.Kendala, ie still a strong school culture patronatif and ewuh pakewuh the process of making important decisions at the school is not determined by the components vital / critical school. However, by the holder of "power" bureaucracy pendidikan.Untuk complete structural and cultural problem above, it is necessary to strengthen the role and function of "institutional" communication multi-stakeholders in the school and needs help sekolah.Sucsses MBS depends on support from their own community and the leadership of the principal professional, authoritative, and accountable. Support community in the operationalization of MBS can be done through the optimization function and the School Committee of the Board of Education. School Committee as a non-bureaucratic institutions that function in mengartikulasikan aspirations, coordinate the design-action issues in the policy and monitoring performance. However the existence of the School Committee or the Board of Education has not been optimal, because it is still strong, political education in a variety of bureaucratic intervention in the policy of the school and the teaching-learning process in the MBS school.In, School Committee is expected to have a continuous initiatives, to encourage professionalism in the leadership of the school principal. How or do not want, vital components of success MBS is the optimization of the principal professional, modernis, visionaris, and educational orientation. School Committee can at least supervise the performance of school principals to be able to play a role in the optimal function of leadership MBS.Karakter ideal leadership principals according to the mission / vision of the MBS itself is school has at least the paradigm to improve the quality of education in the place where he serve. The principal is to be professionals - who understand the strategy plan to improve the quality of schools, formulate program quality learning, and have a SWOT analysis (strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, threats) about the actual school environment interaction and learning in sekolah.Beberapa time ago, the issue was about the need terbetik principals selected directly by the school - as a method to determine the "form" the principal of quality. The direct election of the school principal is to reduce dependence and practices corruption associated with the education bureaucracy. In the direct election of the school principal, the selection is necessary administrative and intellectual. The school has a required "Renstra" (strategic plan) development of quality schools. Unfortunately ideas / discourse election principals directly, by resolution mechanism hierarkhi "career positions" in the education bureaucracy, and there has not been any "radical" to mengubahnya.Saat this required cooperation between the various parties-concerned with the education level in the micro (school), to be able to support high quality school leadership, in the process a gradual

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