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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Character Education

Character Education In The School

Executive Summary about education for kids by Brent Sitton

Every parent wants their child to develop positive character traits. One way to supplement your child's character education is to act as a filter for the movies and
television shows your child watches, and to review the books your child reads.

The stronger the message, the more it will contribute to your child's character education.

Following are some ways in which the virtues can manifest as character traits in children's books, movies, and in television shows:

Self-Discipline: A character discusses his feelings of anger rather than impulsively striking out.

Honesty: A character admits to himself that he isn't trying his hardest.

When evaluating character traits and virtues in kids' books, movies, and television shows, also look at negative behavioral influences. Profanity: Does the character use foul
language, sexual language, or take God's name in vain?

Nudity: Does the movie, television show, or book show or describe suggestive styles of dress or partially clothed or nude characters?

Sexual Content: Do the characters engage in implied or overt sexual behavior, or do
they engage in aberrant sexual behavior?

Alcohol, and Tobacco: Do the characters use or abuse legal or illegal substances?

Negative Behaviors: Does the character show disrespect to his parents?

By evaluating
both the positive character traits and negative behaviors of movies, television shows, and books, and selecting those that reinforce the values and virtues that are important to you, you'll go far in developing your child's character

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