Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Implementation of the portfolio has a base implementation of governance and the implementation of the action in the portfolio, and this is also based some thoughts based on the model - of thought, among others:
1. Pilar Education
Pillars of education has four pillars that support its educational too, and this is the basis for the portfolio is learning to do, learning to know, learning to be, and learning to live together, this sesuat that proclaimed by UNESCO. In the learning process of adults (teachers) should not be positioned the students as a teacher lecturing listeners (adults) diumpamakan with the empty bottle filled with knowledge. Learners should be empowered to be able to do and to enrich the learning experience (learning to do) to increase interaction with their environment both physical environment, social and cultural, that is able to build understanding and pegetahuan against the world around it (learning to know). Expected results of its interaction with the environment that apat build knowledge and trust in themselves (learning to be). Bebrbagai opportunity to interact with individuals or groups that vary (learning to live together) will be established to understand the personality and the birth plurality attitude - a positive and tolerant attitude towards diversity and differences of life.
2. Konstruktivisme
Thus, students of architecture to become a self that can change the ideas of students themselves. While Educators (teachers and lecturers) only as a facilitator or mediator and the conditions so that learning takes place.
This is apparently a lot of forms and, among others, the discussion, this could cause the climate so that students want to reveal the ideas, research results and simple, Demonstration, and the scientific procedures.
3. Democratic Teaching
Indonesia to reform the middle of the life of democracy in this century must be to think that all institutions are able to support the realization of democratic life in the life - day in the environment of family, school, community, government agencies and non government.
Democratic Teaching is a form of efforts to make the school as the center of democracy through a democratic process. short teaching democratic process is based by the value - the value of democracy, namely the ability of the award, a justice, equality of opportunity to apply and respect the diversity of learners. In practice, teachers should be positioned the students as a human capacity must be respected and be given the opportunity to develop potential.
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During this time more people recognize the term portfolio in the field of governance, that is, used to mention one of his ministers, that is, the minister who does not meminpin department. In English, the technical term is minister without portfolio, means the minister is the department does not have a minister with the name of another country. In the field of education and teaching, the term portfolio as a model of learning is still relatively not much is known widely. The many known in the world of education is the assumption of the portfolio as a means assessment (portfolio-based assessment).
Actual portfolio can be defined as a form of physical, social pedagogical process, and as an adjective. As a physical realization of the portfolio is a collection of documents or the work of the students that are stored on a collection of documents (master of the students). For example, initial test results of students entering school (pre - test), the task - the task, notes anekdot, charter awards, has made the task of information that has the structure, the end of the test results (post - test) and so shaped that document students.
As a social pedagogic process, a portfolio is a collection of learning experience is there in the minds of students in both the berujud knowledge (cognitive), skills (skill), and values or attitudes (afektif). The portfolio as an adjective is often compared with other concepts, such as with the known concept of a term-based learning portfolio (portfolio-based learning), when disandingkan with the concept of assessment is a known term portfolio-based assessment (portfolio-based assessment).
Here I interpret portfolio with a wide range of conditions that define an activity with students in the values, tasks and activities outside of the structural learning.
Typically a portfolio of selected students, or works of a class as a whole is working to create a cooperative policy to solve the problem.
Portfolio has a term that is a view of the keyword or in a paper with terpilih.Maksud it is that which shall be the accumulation of everything that the students found the topic of their need to load materials - materials that describe the best business students in the task - a task that given to him.
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During this time more people recognize the term portfolio in the field of governance, that is, used to mention one of his ministers, that is, the minister who does not meminpin department. In English, the technical term is minister without portfolio, means the minister is the department does not have a minister with the name of another country. In the field of education and teaching, the term portfolio as a model of learning is still relatively not much is known widely. The many known in the world of education is the assumption of the portfolio as a means assessment (portfolio-based assessment).
Actual portfolio can be defined as a form of physical, social pedagogical process, and as an adjective. As a physical realization of the portfolio is a collection of documents or the work of the students that are stored on a collection of documents (master of the students). For example, initial test results of students entering school (pre - test), the task - the task, notes anekdot, charter awards, has made the task of information that has the structure, the end of the test results (post - test) and so shaped that document students.
As a social pedagogic process, a portfolio is a collection of learning experience is there in the minds of students in both the berujud knowledge (cognitive), skills (skill), and values or attitudes (afektif). The portfolio as an adjective is often compared with other concepts, such as with the known concept of a term-based learning portfolio (portfolio-based learning), when disandingkan with the concept of assessment is a known term portfolio-based assessment (portfolio-based assessment).
Here I interpret portfolio with a wide range of conditions that define an activity with students in the values, tasks and activities outside of the structural learning.
Typically a portfolio of selected students, or works of a class as a whole is working to create a cooperative policy to solve the problem.
Portfolio has a term that is a view of the keyword or in a paper with terpilih.Maksud it is that which shall be the accumulation of everything that the students found the topic of their need to load materials - materials that describe the best business students in the task - a task that given to him.
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Overcoming bustup CHILDREN
Reasonable, brother-sister squabble. Just be reconciled, eh, and then have a "busy" again. You can not avoid. But, why do they quarrel? How do I cope? "No! This is my property!" agonized the elder brother while playing retake the captured his brother. But the brother did not want to lose. He is a game behind the cop. Be they rebut squall. The sister who irritated, finally beat the younger brother. He is crying.
Other times, the brothers who make trouble. His younger brother who is eager to play alone, suddenly disturbed. Somehow taken its puppet, rope hair removed, or simply make fun of. The younger brother who was upset, then angry, rant. The sisters not stop "seduce" the younger brother, even more happy. He quit after the new brother or mother crying "hands down".
Such events may have become a "daily fine" parents of children under five. Either the brother or the sister who make trouble ahead. Not infrequently we contrived irritated and desperate for children that seems never to stop a quarrel. As a result, the usual children's quarrel, we will usually direct snap, asking them immediately stop squabbling, rebuke, and even punitive.
LEARN reveal emotions
"WHEN DO NOT panic children squabble. If we panic, they will continue to feel Guilty, feel that the fight 'can not' at home. As is usually the parents who panic ago rebuke and punish," said Johanna commonly called Rosalina Rosa , from the Faculty of Psychology Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.
Lo, how? This is because Rosa see squabbling between the children-not always a negative impact. Through the fracas, he said, children learn reveal their emotions. "For example spar. Because of a quarrel, eh, does not have to compete physically. Now, through the debate, they learn the opinions and his emotions," said Rosa.
Akur scrimmage or not, according to him, is the result. Therefore that should be highlighted but it is not a melee how each child revealed his emotions. "Children who do not dare to contend, may not dare to reveal the anger or emotion. Usually they will be emotionally flat, not sensitive, less sensitive," said Rosa.
Nevertheless, reasonless Rosa agree that any conflict should always be sustained in the melee. Especially if they are to compete physically, it should be avoided. Because, if we get children to compete in the physical compete, then that happens is they can not control the emosinya. But, what actually makes children quarrel?
SEARCH WARNING According sister Rosa, sister of attendance generally is considered a rival by the sisters. Moreover, if the sister is not correct to welcome the arrival of the younger brother since the brother is still in the womb.
It should be understood, Rosa explained, "In the pre-age, children are in a condition which is always incompatible with the environment. The term psychology is, negativism." On the other hand, he also is in the always want to attract the attention of parents. So, if the mother / father says, "You must be my brother," the elder sister might say, "Yes." But he will also say, "No," because he wanted to attract the mother / father. So that usually occur in older brother, "I will do what I like." Thus, the possible sister, only to get the attention of the mother / father.
In addition, the older sister was the only one for some time before his younger brother was born. He was not yet understand that love and attention of the father / mother, to his stable, although there are now younger brother. See that he, the father / mother, now no longer consider themselves fully. Well, what can he do to get attention in return? Yes, the way the adiknya. "In fact, the older brother of the adiknya not to hurt, but only to divert the attention of parents or other adults who are atensinya chance on the younger brother," said Rosa. But if this is successful, the old-old will become a habit. Conversely, if unsuccessful, such as mother / father was angry, then the brothers will try to attract attention again. "Once the circle so as not to result," he added.
Like brother "damage"
What about the brother? Should be, the younger brother who is still age batita like to "make problems". He often throw-beam girder timber that has been organized into one of the palace by sister, interesting-narik dolls hands and feet belong to the gracious brother, or even tear up the book "lessons" of the sisters.
This is because the batita are in the exploration stage. She learned the world, want to develop a sense tahunya with ongoing mencobai environment. He was not yet fully understand the meaning of ownership, so that he often "damage" are to attract, seize anything that is currently being held or played by brother. No wonder if you finally have to face for the squabbling between the squabbling sisters and adiknya. So, how should we behave?
Defend the younger brother
Generally, parents will be impartial and to protect children or young people. "You is, is not it, brother., Succumb. Your sister is still small, have not understand anything." Or, "You Do not beat brother! Him, eh, is still small. Let him play the game. Sirrah, if you are finished playing, then you can play it."
Attitudes of parents so that, according to Rosa, that can not be released from the role of culture / cultural. That first-born child or the older brother is expected to be a good example for his brother-younger brother. Instead the younger brother, because he is smaller, he is considered weak. "To the younger brother, he must usually be taught according to the brother. Do not do anything if you can not be responsible because you smaller," said Rosa.
For the sister who should be the case, according to Rosa, akan violent. Moreover, he is still five. He will feel, what I always expected that while the younger brother does not? If it continues ditanamkan, Rosa is concerned, "The sisters will soon grow to a child who is always self-blame and less confident."
Meanwhile, the younger brother, according to Rosa, the children will always be dependent and less responsible. "He will be easy to remove the responsibility to other people. He also became less confident in the sense that if he took the decision he would await the mother first sisters to wait first. The fact that every child should have the capacity to decide the issue itself," said Bachelor of Education IKIP Jakarta.
So also with the attitude that men must take the child from the girls succumb because boys are stronger while the weaker girls. "In fact, just not always so. Sometimes the child is not strong men, women and children are not always weak," Rosa row. As a result, the child on a woman, he may not then be a man take advantage of his brother. If anything, he will say, "You, eh, boys. For me, anyone." He will always ask for protection.
Both be understanding
Urged the sisters to give in, will only make them feel confident, that the more you feel for his brother. The worse, unconsciously, you train the sisters to be always with the passive and compliant in his younger brother. This is certainly not good for the development of the sisters. Because the end later, he can also behave like that in every child or anyone who will carry him. Truly wretched, is not it? Meanwhile, the younger brother of client, will learn that it can grab whatever you want it want it to anchor it. Remember, the younger brother who still do not have a small understanding of the differences between "mine" and "mine" or "own". He will slowly learn the concept of ownership as long as you let him grab toys or objects from any brother.
Must also remember, the older brother, even though that is greater than the brother, but he still remains a child. He did not understand that adiknya not yet have an understanding of the concept of ownership. Therefore, although the bigger brother, he also need to protected from the aggression adiknya arbitrary.
So, not only the sisters who have been understanding, but also the younger brother. Despite the younger brother is still very young age such as 1-2 years. An effective way, according to Rosa, with the "I message" or "message me". For example, the "Mother of sad because you tear up a picture book your sister." The sisters can be taught to perasaannya to reveal the younger brother. "We do not underestimate the children or young people. He was able, I, to take responsibility that the brother was disappointed, that he became a source," said Rosa.
Rosa requested that parents be objective in the face of her children squabble. "Parents really need to reconcile both blessing and his son who quarrel. But is not the act as a judge, who is looking for one. Nah, the court in the small house is how the issue opinions without emotion. Ideally we listen to both parties so that we also learn to give justice in children, "explained.
Rosa aware, not easy to be a fair mediator and wise. This is because the influence subyektifitas parents. "If we already have two children, usually the father have a favorite child and the mother was the case. For example, a favorite with the mother while the father first on the youngest. However, the good father and mother are still comparable in providing justice to both their children, "said the mother of two children.
After the second child be reconciled, that parents need to do is invite them apologize to each other. "Normally this is NOT easy. Because we do not apologize for easy on other people, on children. Moreover, it is to teach the two children who are experiencing anger," he said.
But, yet, they still must be taught. Because of the apology, the small study was responsible. "Well, if one of them can learn to apologize first, either the sister or adiknya, then we must give this award. Give him a compliment," said Rosa.
Another thing that parents can do is to prevent the occurrence of squabbling, the source if it is known that the same hold. For example, always fight the goods or toys. "Maybe the parents can buy their goods or a toy of the same. If the price is expensive or not parents have the money, why not?" said Rosa.
But in this case, sambungnya, parents need to be flexible can. Because with each toy has one / the same, it means that we not taught to share. Conversely, if all toys / items to be public property, we are not taught to be responsible. Because if toys / goods are damaged, each can avoid, "That is not mine, why."
So, PREFACE Rosa, "Parents who MUST be flexible. When the child must be shared and when the child should have privacy." The most good may be marked with the toys / goods purchased for each child. For example, a red mark for toys / items and the sister to the color yellow toy / possession brother. All toys / items are stored in the box / basket that is also marked with red and yellow.
If a squabble between the brothers and the younger brother of who will play with the toys which you can quickly show them the colors to mark their toys. For example saying, "This is red, so this property sisters." If a stubborn sister, the sister can be given the understanding to learn to share the younger sister but not the request to succumb. When the sisters refused, remember you do not have the right force. Yet, with travel time, both the sister and brother will understand the meaning of sharing. Your home is not bored to continue to teach them.
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Other times, the brothers who make trouble. His younger brother who is eager to play alone, suddenly disturbed. Somehow taken its puppet, rope hair removed, or simply make fun of. The younger brother who was upset, then angry, rant. The sisters not stop "seduce" the younger brother, even more happy. He quit after the new brother or mother crying "hands down".
Such events may have become a "daily fine" parents of children under five. Either the brother or the sister who make trouble ahead. Not infrequently we contrived irritated and desperate for children that seems never to stop a quarrel. As a result, the usual children's quarrel, we will usually direct snap, asking them immediately stop squabbling, rebuke, and even punitive.
LEARN reveal emotions
"WHEN DO NOT panic children squabble. If we panic, they will continue to feel Guilty, feel that the fight 'can not' at home. As is usually the parents who panic ago rebuke and punish," said Johanna commonly called Rosalina Rosa , from the Faculty of Psychology Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.
Lo, how? This is because Rosa see squabbling between the children-not always a negative impact. Through the fracas, he said, children learn reveal their emotions. "For example spar. Because of a quarrel, eh, does not have to compete physically. Now, through the debate, they learn the opinions and his emotions," said Rosa.
Akur scrimmage or not, according to him, is the result. Therefore that should be highlighted but it is not a melee how each child revealed his emotions. "Children who do not dare to contend, may not dare to reveal the anger or emotion. Usually they will be emotionally flat, not sensitive, less sensitive," said Rosa.
Nevertheless, reasonless Rosa agree that any conflict should always be sustained in the melee. Especially if they are to compete physically, it should be avoided. Because, if we get children to compete in the physical compete, then that happens is they can not control the emosinya. But, what actually makes children quarrel?
SEARCH WARNING According sister Rosa, sister of attendance generally is considered a rival by the sisters. Moreover, if the sister is not correct to welcome the arrival of the younger brother since the brother is still in the womb.
It should be understood, Rosa explained, "In the pre-age, children are in a condition which is always incompatible with the environment. The term psychology is, negativism." On the other hand, he also is in the always want to attract the attention of parents. So, if the mother / father says, "You must be my brother," the elder sister might say, "Yes." But he will also say, "No," because he wanted to attract the mother / father. So that usually occur in older brother, "I will do what I like." Thus, the possible sister, only to get the attention of the mother / father.
In addition, the older sister was the only one for some time before his younger brother was born. He was not yet understand that love and attention of the father / mother, to his stable, although there are now younger brother. See that he, the father / mother, now no longer consider themselves fully. Well, what can he do to get attention in return? Yes, the way the adiknya. "In fact, the older brother of the adiknya not to hurt, but only to divert the attention of parents or other adults who are atensinya chance on the younger brother," said Rosa. But if this is successful, the old-old will become a habit. Conversely, if unsuccessful, such as mother / father was angry, then the brothers will try to attract attention again. "Once the circle so as not to result," he added.
Like brother "damage"
What about the brother? Should be, the younger brother who is still age batita like to "make problems". He often throw-beam girder timber that has been organized into one of the palace by sister, interesting-narik dolls hands and feet belong to the gracious brother, or even tear up the book "lessons" of the sisters.
This is because the batita are in the exploration stage. She learned the world, want to develop a sense tahunya with ongoing mencobai environment. He was not yet fully understand the meaning of ownership, so that he often "damage" are to attract, seize anything that is currently being held or played by brother. No wonder if you finally have to face for the squabbling between the squabbling sisters and adiknya. So, how should we behave?
Defend the younger brother
Generally, parents will be impartial and to protect children or young people. "You is, is not it, brother., Succumb. Your sister is still small, have not understand anything." Or, "You Do not beat brother! Him, eh, is still small. Let him play the game. Sirrah, if you are finished playing, then you can play it."
Attitudes of parents so that, according to Rosa, that can not be released from the role of culture / cultural. That first-born child or the older brother is expected to be a good example for his brother-younger brother. Instead the younger brother, because he is smaller, he is considered weak. "To the younger brother, he must usually be taught according to the brother. Do not do anything if you can not be responsible because you smaller," said Rosa.
For the sister who should be the case, according to Rosa, akan violent. Moreover, he is still five. He will feel, what I always expected that while the younger brother does not? If it continues ditanamkan, Rosa is concerned, "The sisters will soon grow to a child who is always self-blame and less confident."
Meanwhile, the younger brother, according to Rosa, the children will always be dependent and less responsible. "He will be easy to remove the responsibility to other people. He also became less confident in the sense that if he took the decision he would await the mother first sisters to wait first. The fact that every child should have the capacity to decide the issue itself," said Bachelor of Education IKIP Jakarta.
So also with the attitude that men must take the child from the girls succumb because boys are stronger while the weaker girls. "In fact, just not always so. Sometimes the child is not strong men, women and children are not always weak," Rosa row. As a result, the child on a woman, he may not then be a man take advantage of his brother. If anything, he will say, "You, eh, boys. For me, anyone." He will always ask for protection.
Both be understanding
Urged the sisters to give in, will only make them feel confident, that the more you feel for his brother. The worse, unconsciously, you train the sisters to be always with the passive and compliant in his younger brother. This is certainly not good for the development of the sisters. Because the end later, he can also behave like that in every child or anyone who will carry him. Truly wretched, is not it? Meanwhile, the younger brother of client, will learn that it can grab whatever you want it want it to anchor it. Remember, the younger brother who still do not have a small understanding of the differences between "mine" and "mine" or "own". He will slowly learn the concept of ownership as long as you let him grab toys or objects from any brother.
Must also remember, the older brother, even though that is greater than the brother, but he still remains a child. He did not understand that adiknya not yet have an understanding of the concept of ownership. Therefore, although the bigger brother, he also need to protected from the aggression adiknya arbitrary.
So, not only the sisters who have been understanding, but also the younger brother. Despite the younger brother is still very young age such as 1-2 years. An effective way, according to Rosa, with the "I message" or "message me". For example, the "Mother of sad because you tear up a picture book your sister." The sisters can be taught to perasaannya to reveal the younger brother. "We do not underestimate the children or young people. He was able, I, to take responsibility that the brother was disappointed, that he became a source," said Rosa.
Rosa requested that parents be objective in the face of her children squabble. "Parents really need to reconcile both blessing and his son who quarrel. But is not the act as a judge, who is looking for one. Nah, the court in the small house is how the issue opinions without emotion. Ideally we listen to both parties so that we also learn to give justice in children, "explained.
Rosa aware, not easy to be a fair mediator and wise. This is because the influence subyektifitas parents. "If we already have two children, usually the father have a favorite child and the mother was the case. For example, a favorite with the mother while the father first on the youngest. However, the good father and mother are still comparable in providing justice to both their children, "said the mother of two children.
After the second child be reconciled, that parents need to do is invite them apologize to each other. "Normally this is NOT easy. Because we do not apologize for easy on other people, on children. Moreover, it is to teach the two children who are experiencing anger," he said.
But, yet, they still must be taught. Because of the apology, the small study was responsible. "Well, if one of them can learn to apologize first, either the sister or adiknya, then we must give this award. Give him a compliment," said Rosa.
Another thing that parents can do is to prevent the occurrence of squabbling, the source if it is known that the same hold. For example, always fight the goods or toys. "Maybe the parents can buy their goods or a toy of the same. If the price is expensive or not parents have the money, why not?" said Rosa.
But in this case, sambungnya, parents need to be flexible can. Because with each toy has one / the same, it means that we not taught to share. Conversely, if all toys / items to be public property, we are not taught to be responsible. Because if toys / goods are damaged, each can avoid, "That is not mine, why."
So, PREFACE Rosa, "Parents who MUST be flexible. When the child must be shared and when the child should have privacy." The most good may be marked with the toys / goods purchased for each child. For example, a red mark for toys / items and the sister to the color yellow toy / possession brother. All toys / items are stored in the box / basket that is also marked with red and yellow.
If a squabble between the brothers and the younger brother of who will play with the toys which you can quickly show them the colors to mark their toys. For example saying, "This is red, so this property sisters." If a stubborn sister, the sister can be given the understanding to learn to share the younger sister but not the request to succumb. When the sisters refused, remember you do not have the right force. Yet, with travel time, both the sister and brother will understand the meaning of sharing. Your home is not bored to continue to teach them.
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In the beginning, there was an enormous egg containing chaos. On the inside the chaos raged on and on- both yin and yang were mixed together. All the opposites were writhing together; male and female, cold and hot, wet and dry, dark and light.
Finally the egg burst open, and out leapt the giant dragon Pan-gu. Yin and yang swirled around him and he pushed the two shell halves apart. Thus the opposites were separated and the earth began to take shape.
Every day for 18,000 years Pan-gu grew ten feet – thus the sky was raised a little higher every day. Once the sky was 30,000 miles above the ground, Pan-gu stopped and began to hammer out the mountains and fill the valley with water to form great oceans.
He created rivers with his fingers and stamped the earth down to create flat lands. He gathered raw light and tossed them into the sky to become stars.
After 18,000 years, Pan-gu had grown old and tired. He had made the world with his hands and formed the basic principles of yin and yang. He wanted to lay down and sleep forever. Once he lay down he never rose again. When Pan-gu died, his body formed huge mountains. His skull formed the top of the sky, his hair formed all flowers and plants, his bones turned to jade and pearl and his arms and legs the four directions.
His blood became the rivers, his breath turned into the wind and his voice to thunder. One eye became the sun and the other the moon.
For many years the world was a very beautiful place but also lonely; there were no people.
The half-dragon goddess Nuwa was born after Pan-gu died, from part of the mixture of yin and yang that he had separated. She decided to create humans to have some other beings to talk to and share ideas with, but mostly just to love.
Nuwa went down to the edge of the Yellow River where there were vast, soft mud banks. She began forming figures out of clay. She decided that it would be much more practical for her creations to have legs instead of a dragon tail, thus her humans were not made in her image.
No sooner did she set the first little mud man on the ground did he start to jump, and dance and sing. He began to speak. “Look at me!”
Nuwa was delighted and began making more and more humans.
She made hundreds and hundreds of mud humans, but soon realized that it would take centuries for her to make enough people to fill the vast earth completely. Nuwa grabbed hold of a muddy stick and flung drops of mud across the land.
As the sun dried each drop, it became a new man or woman. Some say that these humans were the less intelligent ones. Those formed by Nuwa’s own hands became great leaders.
She told them to go and populate the earth. As they grew she loved them and protected them, and was revered as the mother of all humans.
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Finally the egg burst open, and out leapt the giant dragon Pan-gu. Yin and yang swirled around him and he pushed the two shell halves apart. Thus the opposites were separated and the earth began to take shape.
Every day for 18,000 years Pan-gu grew ten feet – thus the sky was raised a little higher every day. Once the sky was 30,000 miles above the ground, Pan-gu stopped and began to hammer out the mountains and fill the valley with water to form great oceans.
He created rivers with his fingers and stamped the earth down to create flat lands. He gathered raw light and tossed them into the sky to become stars.
After 18,000 years, Pan-gu had grown old and tired. He had made the world with his hands and formed the basic principles of yin and yang. He wanted to lay down and sleep forever. Once he lay down he never rose again. When Pan-gu died, his body formed huge mountains. His skull formed the top of the sky, his hair formed all flowers and plants, his bones turned to jade and pearl and his arms and legs the four directions.
His blood became the rivers, his breath turned into the wind and his voice to thunder. One eye became the sun and the other the moon.
For many years the world was a very beautiful place but also lonely; there were no people.
The half-dragon goddess Nuwa was born after Pan-gu died, from part of the mixture of yin and yang that he had separated. She decided to create humans to have some other beings to talk to and share ideas with, but mostly just to love.
Nuwa went down to the edge of the Yellow River where there were vast, soft mud banks. She began forming figures out of clay. She decided that it would be much more practical for her creations to have legs instead of a dragon tail, thus her humans were not made in her image.
No sooner did she set the first little mud man on the ground did he start to jump, and dance and sing. He began to speak. “Look at me!”
Nuwa was delighted and began making more and more humans.
She made hundreds and hundreds of mud humans, but soon realized that it would take centuries for her to make enough people to fill the vast earth completely. Nuwa grabbed hold of a muddy stick and flung drops of mud across the land.
As the sun dried each drop, it became a new man or woman. Some say that these humans were the less intelligent ones. Those formed by Nuwa’s own hands became great leaders.
She told them to go and populate the earth. As they grew she loved them and protected them, and was revered as the mother of all humans.
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Nu was the name of the dark, swirling chaos before the beginning of time.
Out of these waters rose Atum; he created himself using his thoughts and the sheer force of his will.
He created a hill, for there was nowhere he could stand.
Atum was alone in the world. He was neither male nor female, and he had one all-seeing eye that could roam the universe. He joined with his shadow to produce a son and a daughter.
Atum gave birth to his son by spitting him out. He named him Shu and made him god of the air.
Atum vomited up his daughter. He named her Tefnut and made her the goddess of mist and moisture.
Shu and Tefnut were given the task of separating the chaos into principles of law, order and stability. The chaos was divided into light and dark and set into place.
This order was called Maat, which formed the principles of life for all time. Maat was a feather; it was light and pure.
Shu and Tefnut produced Geb, the Earth and Nut the Sky. At first these two were tangled together as one.
Shu, god of the air, pushed Nut up into the heavens. There she would remain arched out over Geb, her mate.
They longed to be together, but in the name of Maat they had to be apart, to fulfil their functions.
Nut produced rain for Geb, and Geb made things grow on earth.
As the sky, she gave birth to the sun every night before dawn, and by day it would follow its course over the earth and die at sunset.
Shu and Tefnut produced the other gods. Isis, the queen of the gods, Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty, Osiris the god of wisdom and justice, Seth, the god of evil, Thoth, the god of wisdom and Nephthys the protectress of the dead.
But the chaos was still vast and not yet fully separated into the order of Maat. Shu and Tefnut once got lost in the dark waters of Nu.
Atum was desperate to find his children. He sent his all-seeing eye throughout the heavens and earth to search for them.
In time Shu and Tefnut returned with the eye. When Atum saw them again he was so delighted that he wept tears of joy.
As these tears hit the earth, they became the first men.
As the men populated the earth they had to uphold the truth and balance of Maat. They had the task of tending the earth and worshipping the gods.
The gods, in turn, protected and loved their creations.
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Out of these waters rose Atum; he created himself using his thoughts and the sheer force of his will.
He created a hill, for there was nowhere he could stand.
Atum was alone in the world. He was neither male nor female, and he had one all-seeing eye that could roam the universe. He joined with his shadow to produce a son and a daughter.
Atum gave birth to his son by spitting him out. He named him Shu and made him god of the air.
Atum vomited up his daughter. He named her Tefnut and made her the goddess of mist and moisture.
Shu and Tefnut were given the task of separating the chaos into principles of law, order and stability. The chaos was divided into light and dark and set into place.
This order was called Maat, which formed the principles of life for all time. Maat was a feather; it was light and pure.
Shu and Tefnut produced Geb, the Earth and Nut the Sky. At first these two were tangled together as one.
Shu, god of the air, pushed Nut up into the heavens. There she would remain arched out over Geb, her mate.
They longed to be together, but in the name of Maat they had to be apart, to fulfil their functions.
Nut produced rain for Geb, and Geb made things grow on earth.
As the sky, she gave birth to the sun every night before dawn, and by day it would follow its course over the earth and die at sunset.
Shu and Tefnut produced the other gods. Isis, the queen of the gods, Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty, Osiris the god of wisdom and justice, Seth, the god of evil, Thoth, the god of wisdom and Nephthys the protectress of the dead.
But the chaos was still vast and not yet fully separated into the order of Maat. Shu and Tefnut once got lost in the dark waters of Nu.
Atum was desperate to find his children. He sent his all-seeing eye throughout the heavens and earth to search for them.
In time Shu and Tefnut returned with the eye. When Atum saw them again he was so delighted that he wept tears of joy.
As these tears hit the earth, they became the first men.
As the men populated the earth they had to uphold the truth and balance of Maat. They had the task of tending the earth and worshipping the gods.
The gods, in turn, protected and loved their creations.
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WHAT IS morals?
Morals have validity if separated from the philosophical elements of advice and sermon. In this context, the moral argument does not only define the existence of God but also set the attributes of God, such as a coin, wise, omniscient, and will in the world and the Hereafter.
We need to know that this type of argument is based on the argument must be character, or referred to in the argument about the necessity sent the prophets, where the argument of prophethood itself after verification is the existence of God and nature, his perfection, or didasarian on one of the arguments , as the argument of faith and wujub, huduts, movement. If so, then the moral argument has validity kesetaran with the arguments above, and counted as a new form of argument. And if the moral argument does not disandarkan on one of the arguments mentioned above, he certainly did not have validity as an argument or proof in determining the existence of God. Therefore, if the argument has assumed moral basis-the basis of a perfect, still considered as the philosophy and practical philosophy is not a theoretical and can not be used as proof of existence verification. If the moral arguments in classified areas revelation and prophethood, the area is counted as part of the discussion of the philosophy and theoretical determination of the Lord is the basis makrifat religion, revelation and prophethood, then still can not be reached by this argument, that is, this argument can not prove prinsipalitas existence of God.
In conclusion, if the moral argument disandarkan on theoretical philosophy can then counted as part of the proposition and the arguments establishing the existence of God and itupun must rely on the argument character; argument because the disposition other than as part of theoretical philosophy, the foundation-a foundation that is used quite perfect. Thus the moral argument can be one of the arguments to determine the existence of God.
What is the legal subterfuge about goodness? What good has meaning if the review of the necessity of the absolute? The intrinsic meaning of goodness is in good morals and good nature (that is inderawi) is the same. Therefore, good morals is not the only one virtue, though virtue is most high, there are also good which is the subject of desire-desire sensory. So good composed of two absolute goodness, and goodness are two escort us to a mengkonsepsi comprehension and understanding of the highest good, this is the highest virtue of the intrinsic desire-the desire to unite natural and pure will. And goodness, if seen from the side of happiness is virtue, virtue is seen from the dimensions that he is so good to be the essence of happiness terms. To realize the highest good of the effect on all the reality must exist dikonsepsi on a form that integrates itself with the purity, virtue and happiness. And is called the existence of God. Understand the necessity for the existence of God must be known in depth the relationship between man, nature and morals.
Personal happiness is the condition where all things established in accordance with the desire and the will. So happiness is conformity and harmony between the natural character and goals of grown up to be received. If the form must relate to the happiness and virtue associated with each other, then this happiness may not materialize unless there is a mediator with the reason for all the reality of a different nature, which include the presence of base fitness and unity between happiness and virtue. Therefore, the intrinsic goodness (absolute) into medium realize the highest good is relatively high, the absolute highest good create a nature which is the most natural and sempurnanya.
According to Kant things, such as freedom, immortality of the soul and God are things that can only be reached with the proposition that proof-footing on the practical intellect, and not rationally based on the theoretical. And things have become "things that have been received" (al-musallamah) by the practical intellect.
"Al-Musallamah" is not just a subjective personal confidence, but something that will be objective and universal; the intellect that dub themselves "al-musallamah", because that confidence is by a valid and correct and the acceptance of "al-musallamah "is a recognition on the high position on the practical intellect theoretical intellect. A high rank does not mean that the way of intellect produced a practical knowledge of the "al-musallamah" that, where the intellect does not have the theoretical ability to find out, but the altitude means that the degree is through charity (praktiis) or morals, we define the obligation -kemestiannya (pre-condition) and then base our faith or morals to the charity (practical), and where faith is based on the needs of the practical intellect that are universal. There is no problem that leads to the faith, but rather, faith is a perfect fit with us. Therefore, if we have the perfect theoretical knowledge about God and the immortality of the soul, the review of the literary dimension it is impossible pemaksaan and there is no pressure from this knowledge that leads to the will of god (the will) we, or morals to be intermediaries and we like a blood a stream of fear and the desire to him, the faith to prepare a place for the selection will, glory and virtue.
Conclusion of this theory allowed us to see the tasks in the form of commands that are not only from the intellect but also originating from the Lord. So the form we will accept a religion where religion is placed after the laying on morals and duties, but the converse of that is a religion based on the character and morals are also based on the intellect (nous practical)
Morals have a formula and a variety of descriptions. Some of these provisions and with berdalil totality commands on the existence of moral order and the granting of permanent and absolute which is called the Lord. And some berdalil on the existence of sources other than the man will have a higher human will, the strength of feeling in moral terms and conditions where the particular inclination of the human practice contrary. The use keniscayaan law with the law to define the source of law, or because the law in the same moral-cultural community different assumptions assert the existence of God put the view that this law in the human heart.
Call the world or morals followed by feelings of guilt, shame and regret, or fear when ugliness, or afraid to act before it is a premise-there on the premise that all moral arguments, for after all of that set form allows formulation and descriptions-which may vary with the formulation rumasan-mentioned above-on the existence of existence, even though the formulation of the argument has not been set up to dzat necessity and essence of God.
If the first preamble of the existence of the law the same is received before where people act and feel anxious after doing deterioration feel regret and shame. Universality law and the laws of this where the individuals and different nations and diverse cultures and social conditions that vary the peak power reaches the peak or valley fell to humiliation, or get the support or resistance, or sequestered triumphant from the community or village or in the community when the city's modern practice law or there are feelings of fear and sin when menyalahinya, the conclusion can be drawn that the source of this law is not of the conditions and assumptions mentioned, but because for him there and a source attached to the outside of this.
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We need to know that this type of argument is based on the argument must be character, or referred to in the argument about the necessity sent the prophets, where the argument of prophethood itself after verification is the existence of God and nature, his perfection, or didasarian on one of the arguments , as the argument of faith and wujub, huduts, movement. If so, then the moral argument has validity kesetaran with the arguments above, and counted as a new form of argument. And if the moral argument does not disandarkan on one of the arguments mentioned above, he certainly did not have validity as an argument or proof in determining the existence of God. Therefore, if the argument has assumed moral basis-the basis of a perfect, still considered as the philosophy and practical philosophy is not a theoretical and can not be used as proof of existence verification. If the moral arguments in classified areas revelation and prophethood, the area is counted as part of the discussion of the philosophy and theoretical determination of the Lord is the basis makrifat religion, revelation and prophethood, then still can not be reached by this argument, that is, this argument can not prove prinsipalitas existence of God.
In conclusion, if the moral argument disandarkan on theoretical philosophy can then counted as part of the proposition and the arguments establishing the existence of God and itupun must rely on the argument character; argument because the disposition other than as part of theoretical philosophy, the foundation-a foundation that is used quite perfect. Thus the moral argument can be one of the arguments to determine the existence of God.
What is the legal subterfuge about goodness? What good has meaning if the review of the necessity of the absolute? The intrinsic meaning of goodness is in good morals and good nature (that is inderawi) is the same. Therefore, good morals is not the only one virtue, though virtue is most high, there are also good which is the subject of desire-desire sensory. So good composed of two absolute goodness, and goodness are two escort us to a mengkonsepsi comprehension and understanding of the highest good, this is the highest virtue of the intrinsic desire-the desire to unite natural and pure will. And goodness, if seen from the side of happiness is virtue, virtue is seen from the dimensions that he is so good to be the essence of happiness terms. To realize the highest good of the effect on all the reality must exist dikonsepsi on a form that integrates itself with the purity, virtue and happiness. And is called the existence of God. Understand the necessity for the existence of God must be known in depth the relationship between man, nature and morals.
Personal happiness is the condition where all things established in accordance with the desire and the will. So happiness is conformity and harmony between the natural character and goals of grown up to be received. If the form must relate to the happiness and virtue associated with each other, then this happiness may not materialize unless there is a mediator with the reason for all the reality of a different nature, which include the presence of base fitness and unity between happiness and virtue. Therefore, the intrinsic goodness (absolute) into medium realize the highest good is relatively high, the absolute highest good create a nature which is the most natural and sempurnanya.
According to Kant things, such as freedom, immortality of the soul and God are things that can only be reached with the proposition that proof-footing on the practical intellect, and not rationally based on the theoretical. And things have become "things that have been received" (al-musallamah) by the practical intellect.
"Al-Musallamah" is not just a subjective personal confidence, but something that will be objective and universal; the intellect that dub themselves "al-musallamah", because that confidence is by a valid and correct and the acceptance of "al-musallamah "is a recognition on the high position on the practical intellect theoretical intellect. A high rank does not mean that the way of intellect produced a practical knowledge of the "al-musallamah" that, where the intellect does not have the theoretical ability to find out, but the altitude means that the degree is through charity (praktiis) or morals, we define the obligation -kemestiannya (pre-condition) and then base our faith or morals to the charity (practical), and where faith is based on the needs of the practical intellect that are universal. There is no problem that leads to the faith, but rather, faith is a perfect fit with us. Therefore, if we have the perfect theoretical knowledge about God and the immortality of the soul, the review of the literary dimension it is impossible pemaksaan and there is no pressure from this knowledge that leads to the will of god (the will) we, or morals to be intermediaries and we like a blood a stream of fear and the desire to him, the faith to prepare a place for the selection will, glory and virtue.
Conclusion of this theory allowed us to see the tasks in the form of commands that are not only from the intellect but also originating from the Lord. So the form we will accept a religion where religion is placed after the laying on morals and duties, but the converse of that is a religion based on the character and morals are also based on the intellect (nous practical)
Morals have a formula and a variety of descriptions. Some of these provisions and with berdalil totality commands on the existence of moral order and the granting of permanent and absolute which is called the Lord. And some berdalil on the existence of sources other than the man will have a higher human will, the strength of feeling in moral terms and conditions where the particular inclination of the human practice contrary. The use keniscayaan law with the law to define the source of law, or because the law in the same moral-cultural community different assumptions assert the existence of God put the view that this law in the human heart.
Call the world or morals followed by feelings of guilt, shame and regret, or fear when ugliness, or afraid to act before it is a premise-there on the premise that all moral arguments, for after all of that set form allows formulation and descriptions-which may vary with the formulation rumasan-mentioned above-on the existence of existence, even though the formulation of the argument has not been set up to dzat necessity and essence of God.
If the first preamble of the existence of the law the same is received before where people act and feel anxious after doing deterioration feel regret and shame. Universality law and the laws of this where the individuals and different nations and diverse cultures and social conditions that vary the peak power reaches the peak or valley fell to humiliation, or get the support or resistance, or sequestered triumphant from the community or village or in the community when the city's modern practice law or there are feelings of fear and sin when menyalahinya, the conclusion can be drawn that the source of this law is not of the conditions and assumptions mentioned, but because for him there and a source attached to the outside of this.
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I intentionally do this paper, so that my eyes opened, the teachers and colleagues, especially the government have the power notabeni policy is strong. I experienced this new - this new, at first I intend to share my knowledge to the teachers - teachers who are in the environment I teach, my short stories are supported by a foundation to teach me to do with the scope of my school district.
Activities that I do make the workshop Web - Log to the teacher who later produced the teacher who does not figure residual of time. Many efforts that I do, which seponsor lobbying and working with institutions that overshadow the teaching
profession (PGRI), but what happens is beyond my power of analysis, most teachers follow a seminar held by EDUCATION OFFICE MEDAN that only listen to someone bercuap - cuap with the cost Rp. 50000, even the participants ruah abundant (thousands of more or less) but what happens with my workshop? very apprehensive heart, the participants not only more than 10 people. In the case of activities that I do can be formed to develop skills of teachers in media education in schools, and not charged (geratis)
This indicates that the government (Office of Education City of Medan) is not a - waste 20% of funds for education for the many activities that are not useful, or in other words conduct activities only megahamburkan funds and merely want a certificate. Review in terms of large skil zero.
I hope to have the power in determining policy, forged BANYAK WORKSHOP OR TRAINING SEMINAR NOT reproduce pure, TEACHER NOT NEED TRAINING SEMINAR.
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