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Monday, March 16, 2009


Militansi hampered by a lack of teacher educators in the life of a teacher myself, I want to restore the militansi with a try with the flashback to the perjuagan a teacher with a limited media, facilities, and developing insight.

Here I try to remember while preserving the environment / the earth, the longer we are broken, I tried calling from the start we try ourselves to love this earth.
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Review of language meaning meaning qiraat is reading, while the term is the flow - flow in a different menuturkan (pronounce) al - Qur'an. Each - to keep the flow of bacaannya own way according to the confidence and knowledge that they find. Be that way - I read this based on the genealogy to the Prophet.
Different case with al - Zarqaniy in his book entitled al Manahil - Irfan fil 'Ulum al - Qur'an part I, that is the qiraat terms of the language is read in accordance with the source of the audible. The term sect - sect (flow - the flow of) different among the al - qurra 'enunciate in al - Qur'an, but the methods and history there is agreement.
Reviewed in terms of the position of the scholars share the type of assessment qiraat to the three sections, namely:
1. Qiraat mutawatir
2. Qiraat Sunday
3. Qiraat syaz (and often bizarre)

Qiraat the number of mutawattir have seven and the number of qiraat yangahad have three and selainnya is syaz. According to Al - Qaththan in his book Mabahits fi 'Ulum al - qiraat in the Qur'an that there are seven figures - namely tokohnya.

1. Abu 'Amar bin Al -' Ala '. Full name is Ziyan bin 'Ammar al - al Maziniy - Badhariy (died 154 H)
2. Ibn Katsir. Ahíla full name of Abdullah bin al Katsir - Makkiy (died 120 H)
3. Nafi al-Madaniy. Ahíla full name Abu Rawim bin abd al - Rahman bin Ubai Na'im al - Li'iy (died 169 H)
4. Ibn 'Amir al - Syamily. Ahíla full name of 'Abdullah bin' Amir al - Yahshabiy (died 118 H).
5. 'Ashim al - Khufiy. Full name 'Ashim bin Abi al - Nujud (died 128 H)
6. Hamzah al - Kufiy. Full name of Hamzah bin Habib bin 'Imarah al - al Zaiyat - Farid al - Timiy (died 156 H)
7. Al - Al Kassaiy - Kufiy. Full name is "ali bin Hamzah (died 189 H)

BACKGROUND precipitation difference QIRAAT

I know a little background about the emergence perbedaaan qiraat different because of the interest in listening or reading he took. Some feel that they have enough with only one qiraat while others take a few qiraat. Then the friend of this scatter to all corners of the world still using the qiraat Yana only find it from Rasul.Menurut al - Zarqaniy that qiraat due to the emergence of differences in the early - early al - Qur'an was written down without using dots and lines. This is to invite readers in various ways - in accordance with the kind of understanding that is understood from these verses. Al Zarqaniy further explained that the different ways of taking readings from the Apostle causing tabi'in and Tabi 'tabi'in narrate from them with a different way - different.
Differences in the incidence of qiraat verse - verse al - Qur'an as explained by al - 'Ibyariy (especially qiraat sab'ah) is the difference interprestasi from the hadith that the Messenger said NAJALAL QUR'ANA' ALA SAB'ATIH AHRUFI. As is the case here are seven ways the seven reading. Umar bin khathtab said, that al - Qur'an was revealed with the language Mudhar. Mudhar tribe tribe has seven children, namely: Huzail, Kinanah, Qays, Dhibbah, Taimurrabab, Asad Ibn Khuzaimah and Qureisy
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Home Schooling
A few years ago, we chose to home school our children. We were very disappointed with their performance in public school and could not afford to
send our nine children to a private school. We looked into several home school alternatives and were unhappy with all of them. Being very busy people, we felt very discouraged and a little disheartened with the idea of having to spend significant time schooling our children.

Fortunately, our time worked out (as time can do when one lets go of the need for time) so that we could allot several hours per week to schooling our children. Some of our children had moved away, pursuing their own adult lives. We were left with four children, all teens, to attend our home school. As parents, we were aware that the most important things our children could learn at home were not academic. Above all other things, love had to be the underlying principle of our school. Further, we recognized how important it was that our children learn how to think, rather than know how to do the three Rs. We both agreed that imagination and creativity were important in the thinking process.
The oldest of our children to attend our home school was 17 and a senior in high school. She chose to withdraw from formal public school to learn at home. This was a significant sacrifice on her part. As a popular teenager at school, she was convinced that her education was more important to her than her popularity.
We enrolled our 14 and 15-year-old children, too. They were very excited about doing school at home. In addition, one of our adult children joined us for one semester. The whole experience has been an exciting adventure into alternatives teaching and family togetherness.
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Corporation Law of Education (BHP) has just passed the House of Representatives. Please download the file:


Comment by: Oky Pahreisy In the teachers' Club on 2 February 2009
Many things that should be more in terms of financial diefisiensikan PT providers and if the owner would like to open a foundation on cashflow, and the division of the result. Students also understand that if a student does not need to cost a little, but yet many rights, such as its money praktikum, Student, etc.. somewhere where the flight.

PT bureaucracy must be fair to hold the trust does not let the corruption or corruption occurs in the elements of institution, if the name and accreditation agencies that are really valuable.

Perhaps BHP set to move the budget allocation of National Education was the terdistribusi up to the PT, it is even free to high school, mathematically this name political economy get hit with menyedikitkan number pembaginya but also increase the number penyebutnya (education budget 20%). Running-flight of money that even officials in the bag (withdrawal, occupation, pruning) is not responsible.
Where according to you?
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Your Competitive Edge
What is your competitive edge? How is your company different from all others? In what way does it stand out? Is there sustainable value that you can maintain and develop over time? The most classic of the competitive edges are those based on proprietary technology and protected by patents. A patent, an algorithm, even deeply entrenched know-how, can be a solid competitive edge. In services, however, the edge can be as simple as having the phone number 1 (800) SOFTWARE, which is an actual case.

A successful company was built around that phone number. Sometimes market share and brand acceptance are just as important. Knowhow does not have to be protected by patent to offer a competitive edge. For example, for years Apple Computer used its proprietary operating system as a competitive edge, while Microsoft used its market share and market dominance to overcome Apple’s earlier advantage. Several manufacturers used proprietary compression to enhance video and photographic software, looking for a competitive edge.
The competitive edge might bedifferent for any given company, even between one company and another in the same industry. You don’t have to have a competitive edge to run a successful business - hard work, integrity, and customer satisfaction can substitute for it, to name just a few examples - but an edge will certainly give you a head start if you need to bring in new investment. Maybe it’s your customer base, as in the case with Hewlett-Packard’s traditional relationship with engineers and technicians, or it’s image and awareness, such as with Compaq. Maybe your competitive edge is quality control and consistency like that of IBM.
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Keys to Success
The idea of keys to success is based on the need for focus. You can't focus efforts on a few priorities unless you limit the number of priorities. In practice, lists of more than three or four prioritiesare usually less effective. The more the priorities (beyond three or four), the less chance of implementation. Virtually every marketing plan has different keys to success. These are a few key factors that make the difference between success and failure.
This depends on who you are and what services you offer. In a manufacturing business, for example, quality control and manufacturing resources might be keys to success for one strategy, and economy of scale for another. In another example, the keys might include low cost of assembly, or assembly technology in packaging kits. The channels of distribution are often critical to manufacturers. You might also depend on the brand or the franchise. Think about the keys to success for your marketing plan. This is a good topic for a discussion with your management team. What elements are most important? This discussion will help you focus on priorities and improve your business plan.
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Strategy is focus. You have too much to do with too few resources. You therefore focus on specific target markets, on your most important products or services, and on your most productive sales and marketing activities.
Introduction to Marketing
StrategyMuch like the artist squinting to improve his vision, you need to see the high points and main priorities only, or the important points get lost in the details. Strategies that aren’t focused won’t work. When people have more than three or four priorities to deal with, the priorities get lost. When you have 20 strategic objectives in a plan, you won’t accomplish any.
Developing Your Strategy
• Focus on selected target markets.
• Focus on selected target market needs and selected product or service offerings.
• Focus on your company’s strengths. Play toward your strengths and away from your weaknesses and take advantage of the opportunities ahead.
When to say no "I don't know the secret to success, but the secret to failure is trying to please everybody." --Bill Cosby "Management is knowing when to say no." --Hector Saldana Notice how strategy fits into this general description. For example, our next diagram, taken from Market Segmentation, selects target segments and rules out others:
Simple Market Segmentation

Initial Product Positioning

Your Value Proposition

State your business in terms of its underlying value proposition. A value proposition defines the benefit offered, the target market group, and the relative pricing.

• What are the main benefits you offer?
• To what target customers?
• At what relative price?

Some Sample Value Propositions
These examples are personal interpretations, used without permission, of the underlying value propositions.
• Michelin Tires: Offers safetyconscious parents greater security in tires, at a price premium.
• McDonald's Restaurants: Offers convenience-oriented eaters fast meals at competitive prices.
• QuickBooks: Offers user friendly, dynamic accounting software at an affordable price point for small businesses.
Value Propositions and Marketing Plans
When you are comfortable with the underlying value proposition, you can use it to develop and implement a marketing plan:
1. First, understand the value proposition in all three parts: the benefit, the target customer, and the pricing.
2. Second, communicate the value proposition. Using all the means you have, from advertising, positioning, public relations, packaging, or whatever other tools you have available, communicate that value proposition to your target market. For example, the importance of communicating a value proposition is obvious in the advertising message. However, it goes much deeper. With a retail location, the layout and design of the store are communicating a value proposition. Consider the difference between an expensive clothing boutique and a discount merchandiser. A computer retailer wanting to communicate service and reliability might have a large service counter prominently displayed. Long ago, auto dealerships learned the value of putting service representatives into white coats.
3. Third, fulfill the promise. If you're offering greater reliability at a price premium, for example, make sure you deliver. If you're stressing customer service, then deliver on that promise. Review all elements of the business in terms of how they affect your value proposition.
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The exact nature of your plan, and yourmarketing situation, dictates its contents. You addor subtract detail to suit your needs. However, thereare some absolutely essential standard componentsthat your plan ought to contain.The Essential Contents of aMarketing PlanEvery marketing plan has to fit the need andthe situation. Even so, there are standardcomponents you just can't do without. Amarketing plan should always have a situationanalysis, marketing strategy, sales forecast, andexpense budget.•Situation Analysis: Normally this willinclude a market analysis, a SWOT analysis(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, andthreats), and a competitive analysis. Themarket analysis will include market forecast,segmentation, customer information, andmarket needs analysis.
Marketing Strategy: This shouldinclude at least a mission statement,objectives, and focused strategyincluding market segment focus andproduct positioning
Sales Forecast: This would includeenough detail to track sales monthby month and follow up on plan-vs.-actual analysis. Normally a plan willalso include specific sales by product,region, or market segment, bychannels, manager responsibilities,and other elements. The forecastalone is a bare minimum.
Expense Budget: This ought toinclude enough detail to trackexpenses month by month andfollow up on plan-vs.-actualanalysis. Normally a plan will alsoinclude specific sales tactics,programs by managementresponsibilities, promotion, andother elements. The expense budgetis also a bare minimum.

Are They Enough?These essentials are not the ideal,just the minimum. In most cases, you’llbegin a marketing plan with anExecutive Summary, and you'll alsofollow those essentials just describedwith a review of organizational impact,risks and contingencies, and pendingissues.

Include a Specific Action Plan
You should also remember thatplanning is about the results, not theplan itself. A marketing plan must bemeasured by the results it produces. Theimplementation of your plan is moreimportant than its brilliant ideas ormassive market research. You caninfluence implementation by building aplan full of specific, measurable, andconcrete plans that can be tracked andfollowed up. Plan-vs.-actual analysis iscritical to the eventual results, and youshould build it into your plan.
Marketing Plan Text Outline
In the real world you'll want tocustomize your plan’s text outlineaccording to whether you are sellingproducts or services, to businesses orindividual consumers, or you're anonprofit organization. Although theoutline does change in some respects asa result, the following sample outline isa good standard for a basic marketingplan. You can add detail or take it awayto suit your needs.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009


Paragraph 1: In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1

[1] That is: I start to read al-Fatihah is the name of God. Every job is good, should begin with a mention of God asthma, such as eating, drinking, animal slaughter, and so forth. Substance is the name of God the Most Holy, who is entitled to be real, who does not need His creatures, but creatures who need Him. Ar Rahmaan (Most Gracious): a name that God gave the understanding that God bestow His bounty to His creatures, are ar Rahiim (Merciful) to provide understanding that God is always the cause Rahmah He always bestow His mercy to the creatures - Him.

Paragraph 2: Any puji [2] for Allah, Lord of the Worlds

[2] Alhamdu (all praise). Because people are praising the good deeds that dikerjakannya with their own volition. So praise God berrati: laud his deeds as well. Another case with gratitude that means: someone recognizes the superiority of the favors granted. We listen to all praised God because God is the source of all goodness is praiseworthy.

[3] Rabb (God) means: that God be obeyed The Own, Educate and Maintain. Rabb pronunciation can not be used for other than God, unless there is the connection, such as the temple of rabbul (host).
'Alamiin (the worlds): God created all of which consist of various types and kinds, such as: human nature, natural animal, plant life, things die, and so forth. God the creator of all nature-that nature.

Verse 3: Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Paragraph 4 of the [4] on the day of reckoning [5]

[4] Maalik (The Works) with elongate mim, he means: the owner. Can also be read with Malik (with short mim), meaning: King.

[5] Yaumiddin (Day of): a diwaktu that each man received a recompense of good deeds and the bad. Yaumiddin also called yaumulqiyaamah, yaumulhisaab, yaumuljazaa 'and so forth.

Paragraph 5: Only that we worship You [6], and only to Thee we ask for help [7]

[6] Na'budu taken from the word 'ibaadat: adherence to and compliance caused by the feeling of the greatness of God, who is worshiped as God, because God has be convinced that the absolute power by it.

[7] Nasta'iin (ask for help), fetched from isti'aanah words: expect to be able to help finish a job that is not able to be done with the self.

Paragraph 6: Show [8] us the straight way,

[8] Ihdina (Show us), from the word hidayaat: a guide to the correct road. The definition of this verse not only gives Hidayah, but also give Taufik.

Paragraph 7; the way the people whom thou hast given grace to them, not the (way) of their wrath, and not (the way) those who go astray. [9]

[9] The definition of their wrath, and they are all gone astray is that deviate from the teachings of Islam.
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Here is an example of RPP and the syllabus that I can give:
NB. TO DOWNLOAD FILE BELOW expected to be patient, and may require speeds HIGH
Islamic religious primary school class 1
Islamic religious primary school class 2
Islamic religious primary school class 3
Islamic religious primary school class 4
Islamic religious primary school class 5
Islamic religious primary school class 6

PPKN primary school class 1
PPKN primary school class 2
PPKN primary school class 3
PPKN primary school class 4
PPKN primary school class 5
PPKN primary school class 6






Junior high school / Class VII - IX












School LEVEL ON (SMA) / Class X - XII








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The beginning of the twentieth century was a significant period in which some important developments took place. One of these was the application of Etische Politiek ( Ethical Policy ), which had influenced many aspects of Indonesian life, in particular education, and the emergence of the new Islamic and nationalist schools.

A. The Colonial Government’s Educational System
The modern Dutch education system influenced not only the emerging modern Islamic educational institutions, but also the nationalist system of Indonesia. This modern education system was introduced by the Dutch colonial authorities. The Islamic modernists adopted the colonial model system.
The colonial educational system was different, in some respects, from the Islamic and nationalist ones in terms of method, curricula, and goals. The colonial system was based on secular subjects and skills, whereas the Islamists and nationalists put grater emphasis on religious and nationalistic values.
The educational system of the colonial authorities can be described as follows ;
The learning plan followed formal graduation.
Secular subjects were taught, not religious ones.
The teaching and learning took place collectively inn classes, not individual.
It was not free of charge. There was a tuition fee.

Some aspects of the western educational system above were taken up as models to carry out the educational activities by Muslims and nationalists, traditional systems.
During the colonial period, educational services were defined into three categories, which were based on a differentiation of descent, nationality and social status. They were:
Primary and advanced schools and for the population of European descent,
Public primary school and special schools for the native population of noble statuts,
Vocational schools which could be attended by both the European and native population.

The European Primary School ( EPS ) was firs established in Jakarta inn 1817. It experienced a rapid development. By 1820 there were seven school and by 1902 the total number of schools had increased to 173. Apart from this level, in 1860, after having received authority from the king of the Netherlands, the colonial government established the first secondary school for Europeans, called Gymnasium Willem III. From 1867 onwards, the school offered two levels of education, primary levels with a schooling duration of five years from which graduates could continue to university, and secondary level with a three – year duration from which graduates could go on to further education such as military officer training, civil servant school, the commerce academy, or craftsman’s school in Delft, the Netherlands to HBS ( Hoogere Burger School ) with a five – year course duration.
These types of school, which used the Dutch language, were designed especially for European descendants. Access to this school, however, was ultimately also for the privileged few of the native population. The opportunity to take part in the European school was provided when the colonial government, in 1924, built up a schakel school, at which native students began to study Dutch, and adapted themselves to the atmosphere of education.The ethical policy had changed the face of education in Indonesia. This was evident from the number of school which were developed and linked and matched to the development of bureaucracy and society. The total number of schools increased from 1,584 in 1990 to 21,256 same period, the number of primary school pupils increased from 118,000 to 2,349,000
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7. Leadership Quality

To implement quality programs in education, leadership is needed on the quality-oriented. So hold on the leadership principle - the principle as follows.
a. Quality of leadership in the success of someone measure the success of people - people (all members) in the organization.
b.Responsibility sharing. All elements in the organization have the duties and responsibilities clearly. The task of the school board, supervisors, and administrators to provide focus and guidance to the school. All members of the school organization has a vision about the future of the same, the quality of the program, and tasks - duties. Each member is encouraged to open, creative and innovative, making it possible to reach the vision system in a wide.
c. Continuous quality improvement. Element - the element leaders encourage teachers and staff to achieve the final goal of these organizations that is sustainable.
d.Dalam pyramid of quality leadership, the school board, supervisors and administrators should provide the materials and tools - tools that are required of teachers and staff. Thus there is no longer absolute power in this leadership. Words of power and power is removed in the treasury of leadership quality. This is not the leader does not mean that elements of the decision making, policies, or regulations.
e. The role of teachers and staff. All the people in the pyramid of leadership is a quality leader. To achieve the vision of quality in education, teachers need to inculcate this vision to students. Students must mmpunyai vision and the ability to do the creative and innovative to achieve the vision.
f. As a leader of quality, every person responsible mengilangkan barriers that prevent high performance. Vision refers to the goal that people will be people who diikuti.Tiap the winner. A key challenge for the education quality is meghilangkan barriers - organizational barriers that prevent people to succeed. System increased the limit up to a certain class can be a barrier to reach the optimal quality.
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6. Principle - The principle of Schools With Quality Management

Schools that apply quality management schools are implementing the program of quality education with a hold on the principle - the principle as follows:
a. Focus on konstomer
Everyone in the school must understand that every product has user education (customer).
b. Comprehensive involvement
All people should be involved in the transformation of quality. Management must be committed and focused on quality improvement. Transformation quality should be adopted starting with the new paradigm oendidikan. Old beliefs must be discarded. The first step in adopting a new paradigm of education is education that lualitas always depend on the number of available money.
c. Measurement
Long view or the quality of education graduates is measured by achievement scores and learning. In the new approach, the professional education must learn to measure the quality of education and performance capabilities of graduates based on user demand.
d. Education system as
Should improve the quality of education based on concepts and understanding the system as educators. Education as a system has a number of components such as students, teachers, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, media learning resources, parents and the environment. Among the components - components involved and the relationship of sustainable integration in the implementation of the system.
e. Improvement berkelanjutanDalam philosophy long held principle of "if it is damaged a new improved" while the philosophy of quality in education adopted the principle that each process should be and there is no perfect process that always needs to be refined and improved.
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5. School With Total Quality Management

Quality management is a methodology that can help overcome the professional educational environment that is continuously changing. Quality management can be used as a means to establish ties between schools, business and government. Ties will allow the professionals in schools and in areas equipped with the resources - resources that are required in developing a quality program.
Total quality management is a key aspect of management. This is a methodology that makes it easier megelola changes, forming the focus changes, establish a more flexible infrastructure, rapid changes to respond to the demands of education and to help people overcome the barriers of time and cost.
Changes in the quality management begins with the task of adopting the implementation of the quality level of board at the school, administrators, teachers, administrative staff, students, parents and the community. Activities begin with formulating the vision and mission of the school, department / program (if any) and the section - the section of education schools. Vision of quality management focused on the need to find the use of graduates (customer), preparatory to the people involved in the overall quality improvement program, to develop systems to measure the value of education, the support system that allows teachers, administrative staff and students in managing change and improvement sustainable products with the aim that the school toward a better direction.

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4. Principles - Education Quality Improvement Principles

There are some that need to be held prinsi in implementing the program of quality education diataranya as follows:
Improvement of the quality of education according to the professional leadership in the field of education. Quality management education is a tool that can be used by the professional education dlam improve our nation's education system.
Difficulties faced by the professional education is their inability to confront the failure of the system that prevent them from developing or implementing new processes or ways to improve the quality of education available.
Improvement of the quality of education must make leap - leap. Old norms and beliefs must be changed. Schools must learn to work together with the source - the source is limited. On the professional education should help students develop the ability - the ability required to compete in the global duni.
Money is not the key in quality improvement efforts. Quality education can be improved if administrators, teachers, staff, supervisors, head office and offices to develop attitudes that focus on leadership, team work, cooperation, accountability and rekoknisi. Money is not a quality-enentu.
The key to quality primary education is a commitment to change. If all teachers and school staff have a commitment to change, leaders can mudahmendorong with them to find new ways to improve efficiency, productivity and quality of education services. Teachers will use a new approach or model - a model to teach, guide and train students in helping the development. Similarly sataf admnistrasi he will use the new process in preparing the cost, problem solving and developing new programs.
Stout prrofesional in the field of education have less knowledge and expertise in meyiapkan students entering the job market is global. Terhadapperubahan fear or fear to make a change will make the knowledge and how to overcome the demands - demands new.
Quality improvement program in the commercial sector can not be used directly in education, but need adjustment - adjustment and refinement. Cultural, environmental and work process of each organization is different. The professional education must be provided by a special program designed to support education.
One of the key component in the program is a system of quality measurement. By using the measurement system allows the professional education can mendokunentasikan attention and value added of the implementation of programs to improve the quality of education, both to the students, parents and masyarakat.Masyarakat and management education must dissociate themselves from the habit using the short program, quality improvement can be achieved through changes not sustainable with the program - short program
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3. Basic - Basic Education Program Quality

The many problems caused by graduates who do not quality, program quality or the effort - an effort to improve the quality of education is very important. To implement the program required some basic quality is strong, that is as follows:
a. On the Change Commitment
Leaders or groups who want to implement a quality program should have the commitment or determination to change. At its core quality is to make changes kea rah a better and more weight. Often these changes cause fear, and commitment can eliminate fear.
b. About Clearly, understanding the Existing Conditions
Many failures in implementing the changes before doing something because it clearly.
c. Having the Vision of the Future Clearly

Changes should be made based on the vision of development, tatangan, needs, problems and opportunities that will be faced in the future.
d. Clearly, the Plan has
Refers to the vision, before the team with a clear plan. Plan a grip in the process of implementation of the program quality. Implementation of the program quality is influenced by factors - internal or external factors. Factors - internal and external factors will change. The plan should always be up dated in accordance with the changes - changes. No quality is stopped (stagnant), and no two programs are identical because the program is always based on quality and in accordance with environmental conditions. The program reflects the quality of education in the environment where it is located.

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2. Issues In The Implementation Process Quality Education

Program quality is actually derived from the business world. In the business world that is both production and services, program quality is the main program for the perpetuity and progress business sangan user is determined by the quality of products and services layaan continue to change and development.
In line with this is the quality of products and services provided must be improved. Nowadays the quality of not only become a problem and concern in the field of business, but also in the field - other fields, such as government, social services, education and keamaan field even though the order.
Many faced maslaah quality in education, such as the quality of graduates, the quality of teaching, guidance and training of teachers, quality and professionalism and performance of teachers. Quality - quality is related to the quality of managerial leadership in education, media, learning resources, tools and training materials, school climate, environmental education and support of the party - the party yangterkait education culminate in the low quality of graduates. Low-quality graduates that can cause various problems, such as graduates can not continue their studies, can not complete the study on a higher level, can not work / can not be accepted in the world of work, work but received no achievement, can not follow the development of the community, and not productive. Graduates that are not productive will be the burden on the community, increase the cost of living and welfare of the community, and allows citizens to become the tersisih from the community. (continued. ..)
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1. Challenges and Needs of the Education Quality

Nowadays our world marked by changes very fast and global. This is in impact by the development of science and technology very quickly, especially in the areas of communications and electronics. Development in this field has resulted in the information revolution. A large amount of information on all areas of life from all right. All aspects and activities have been collected, stored and distributed. Publicly any information can be accessed, read, and witnessed by each person, mainly through the internet, print media and television.
Information revolution has caused the world becomes more open, the limit - the limit of geographical, administrative - juridical, political and social culture. Global community, the community technologist, and the information society that is open, change very quickly in the claims, challenges,as a matter of fact threats - new threats. In the century now this man claimed to know many try, many do, achieve excellence, build relationships and cooperation with others.
Quality education or quality of the school is to the quality of graduates. Halyang something is impossible when the education or graduate school if not in quality through the process of quality education as well. Is also impossible if the process occurs pedidikan quality if not supported by the factors - factors supporting the process of quality education as well. The process of quality education must be supported by personnel, such as teachers administrators, counselors, and administration of quality and professional. This is also supported by the facilities and infrastructure, education, facilities, media and learn the source of adequate, good quality and the amount and cost of adequate, appropriate management and a supportive environment. Quality education is comprehensive, all the components, and implementing educational activities, or referred to as total quality or Total Quality. Is something that is not possible if the results of quality education can be achieved with only one component of a quality or activity. Education activities is quite complex, an activity, the components, actors, time, and related support activities, components, actors, and other times. This means if the school will produce graduates with quality (quality) requires the support of several programs in the schools, among other talent, students, school instrument, school environment, the education process in schools, and evaluation of berbaikan continuously. (To be continued ....)

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This indeed can be said too late, but to be able to open the public eye that Namira Islamic School is the first school to digitizing, namely in 2003 Namira provide WiFi in the school environment that can be accessed by the entire community in the school (students, teachers, carers, schools and visitors). And this is a teacher at Namira create more advanced in the learning materials to students, with how to create a blog to support learning as well as the media in the study.
This program in cooperation with city link, and institutions BBC English courses and Computers, (this data can be asked directly to the institution).
This back-off by the word of greeting or the exposure of Mr. Edy Sofyan (Head bainkom Sumut) said ... that he will essentially make or mendigitalkan schools in North Sumatra. (Dar in the capture in a statement he when boarding inaugurate Darul 'Arafah as boarding in the first digital Sumut.
After 2 years of this program running in the Namira the vessel timbullah mushrooms in the rainy season, the school - the school that the school provides WiFi digital with their school in the area, it is reasonable to mencapat charisma (power selling / marketing), which inggi. Basically Namira correct Islamic School - Digital school realize true .........

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This is a real khasus which occurred in a private well in the University of North Sumatra (Friends of Complaints About Bureaucracy academic difficulty in Medan)
In this year he completed Allah S 1 At university, all in the Terms that have enjoined the students to have a glass can be met, but he choked with the problems that the administration legelisir high school diploma, before he graduated high school / high school abroad that are not include fingerprints, pasfoto and never in legalisir, but if pigin to see absahan students and diploma can be seen in one of the sites them.Hal this to be the major reason that he choked to complete its strata 1.
He was of the bureaucracy, both menayakan to university officials (1 Assistant Dean, Assistant Dean 3) does not menemuhi point of light, get even more obstacles menghabatnya.Beliau ask (ask for advice) to me and I can only give to him for solutions to melegalisir ijazahnya Education Office of North Sumatra, this is a question mark again, "whether North Sumatra Education Office also rejected overseas diploma?"
Things like this that make education in Indonesia left behind from other countries, remember that 8 years ago, a decline of our education standards in Malaysia, now reversed, the KTA to institute them. This we do not know, oknom - such as personality that utilize occupation bureaucracy, there are indications that arise, whether they do with the system pendidkan in other countries, or not at all a (left) from other countries.
I urge ..... If I can dipermudah ...... Dipersulit? Whether this system among, students, and construction in our country?

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By: Gunawan S.Pd. I
At the beginning of the year 2007 the range of teachers with certification in hebohkan teachers who can push up the life of teachers to what they (office ref.)'s Feasible. Yet it is spontaneity excite teachers in the teaching manufer toward a more interesting and fun for students (learning PAKEM system), how many teachers meet the requirements of the teachers to recommend to the sbagai met the requirements of certification is obtained.
Forth a lot of attention to the policy of a government office that I consider this program this instant, the socialization is done by many agencies that dalihnya to inform teachers on this program, this is a lot of value for teachers in waste - dispose of the education budget is 20%, socialization, among other : ad on TV, radio newspapers and seminars in the laukan, (imagine the cost brapa terbuang ......).
almost 1 more year in the launch of this program ... ... what the result?
Alangkan terhormatnya when useless waste of funds that are in poor to honor teachers who teach in remote places ..... why? to this appalling program that is not enjoyed by many teachers who teach honor in isolated places, the poor lack the funds, even many of the teachers Negri TEACHER many civil servants who received the funds and itupun Haya sertifikasinya a promise .....
Many procedures must be adopted by teachers to obtain certification, in addition to the certification mendongkrk image and kwualitas teachers and not denied also push up the debt of honor teachers sia - sia in meeting the certification is, this is like a perbuata sia - sia .... ..
Expectations of teachers for the
Wages Political elite IN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Parliament AND PRESIDENT AND NOTE fate teacher, the teacher should not be trying to place the program - and try to waste the education fund, the fund would terhormatnya given SCHOOL to improve quality teachers in Indonesia.
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Martyr insyaallah
They still smile
There is no word of the sentence terucap but takbir, Allahu Akbar, on the condition jenasah third martyr Bali. Not how the three martyr is very clear signs appeared as a martyr, as usual in the cauldron of war, even though they 'are not war' against the enemies of Islam.
After some long waiting, finally Kantor Berita Islam get permission from the family, represented by Bp. Ali Fauzi, to publish the photo of two mujahid Bali Amrozi and Ust. Mukhlas. Bp Ali Fauzi instruct that this photo distributed to give evidence on the real mystery and polemic going to Bali over Mujahid, especially martyr Tenggulun, related to their status, whether or not to die a martyr. Besides providing real boon to all Muslims that Islam is the struggle they have really high for the sincere expressions of God, and not just to show the action.
As a martyr killed in medan jihad, martyr second photo Tenggulun visible rows of teeth with a smile that looks neat. Moreover, going with Amrozi. Smile typical of "The Smiling Bomber" is in line with both eyes open, look as if something that met with awe. May welcome a pair of woman-friendly.
Conditions not much different happening with jenasah Ust. Mukhlas. Scholars who champion berorasi this show with the smile that is also open. Clean face is a sign the other. Also face a net held by the "Hacker Mujahid, Imam Samudera alias Abdul Azis. Priest show and clean-looking face, exactly the conditions Ust. Mukhlas.
Besides the analysis Mujahid Bali third photo, the information from the field to strengthen the evidence that the third action is the jihad of the Mujahidin, they have a sincere intention and to meet death as a martyr. Here is the evidence and from the testimony of the field.
1. One of the pelayat a chance sit in the residence Hj. Tariyem is Ust. Abdul Rachim Ba'asyir. Watching that when keranda jenasah entrance and cover keranda opened, torn tercium aroma that spread to all rooms. This incident was to make the surprise pelayat, because the narrow space inside the air is very stuffy and berjubel visitors in a single room. When the oil is fragrant of perfumes, will not be able to overcome the stench of the visitor and will not be able to provide fragrant aroma with the same degree. "Allahu Akbar. That is not the smell perfume. Not. But redolence of asy martyr," he said.
2. In addition, still according to the Ust Abdul Rachim, when the cover face of Ust. Mukhlas in the open, clearly visible fascicle-fascicle sweat patch at the front. The same conditions that occur with those who are still alive and in condition mugginess. As Ust. Mukhlas mugginess feel the same with the mugginess experienced by the pelayat him.
3. As dilansir by some national media, such as, visible clearly visible phenomenon came three black birds on the residence of martyr. Thirdly it is clearly not a bird Gagak be as many in the media, because it has a long neck. They come simply spin for about seven minutes, and then scatter away. Two black birds flying towards the East, they represent acceptance of the practice jihad Ust Amrozi and Mukhlas, and a black bird flying to the West, as a landmark on the self-martyr 'Mujahid Hacker' Imam Samudera. The phenomenon of black birds came this opportunity to create atmosphere with haru cry takbir the pelayat.
4. As word uterus brother Imam Samudera, Lulu Jamaludin, when the sister appeared eccentricity will be included in the burrow lahat. Fragrancy tercium also from the Imam jenasah. In addition, the former shot wound bullet sharp constant stream of fresh blood. The flow of blood is like going out with someone who is still alive when injured. Still according to Lulu as well, face sister clean and more presentable than usual.
5. Latest news just received by one of the crew Several days ago, exactly three days after the funeral and Amrozi Ust. Mukhlas, family Hj. Tariyem ask some people to maintain the cemetery. This is done to avoid and keep the things that are not desired. Some of them took guard is Sumarno, Baror, Rosyidin, Mashudi and several cottages santri Al Islam Tenggulun Lamongan. They smell the aroma out of the grave (tomb). Fragrancy the same when they first open the cover jenasah martyr. However, the aroma is not like the smell of perfume that they wear or the normal use by most people.
Clear explanation has been given to Allah swt through his greatness. Although the parties disputed the many, to give voice flat, and lay a mass opinion to the status memojokkan Bali Mujahid, and through a trick to make a man of the government apparatus, but others have God. And who better as a trick? (far / MD) (

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By Drs. Hafidz 'Abdurrahman, MA
اليوم يئس الذين كفروا من دينكم فلا تخشوهم واخشون, اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا
This day the disbelievers despair have to (defeat) the religion. Therefore, do not you fear them, but you takutlah to me. On this day have I perfected your religion for you, you have make up my favor, and meridhai Islam has become a religion for you (QS Al-Maarij [5]: 3).
Tafsir Ayat
About when and where it was revealed this verse, al-Bukhari Hadith that has come from 'Umar bin al-ra Khaththab, which states:
There is a Jewish man said to him ( 'Umar), "Amirul Believers, verse in the middle of your book you read that, if revealed to us, the Jews, of course we will make day (verse decrease) as the day highway. "He ( 'Umar) said," which is Verse? "Male said:
) اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا (
'Umar said:

«قد عرفنا ذلك اليوم والمكان الذي نزلت فيه على النبي r وهو قائم بعرفة يوم جمعة»
We actually know the day and place of the verse was revealed to the Prophet saw., When he stood (wuquf) on the Day of `Arafah on Friday.
While the as-Suyuthi states:
Ibn Mandah has issued in the history books as-Shahâbah from 'Abdullah bin Jabalah bin Hibban bin Hajar. 'Abdullah received it from his father, while his father's Her grandfather, the Hibban who said:
«كنا مع رسول الله r وأنا أوقد تحت القدر فيها لحم الميتة فأنزل تحريم الميتة فأكفأت القدر»
We never saw the Prophet together .. At that time I'm heating vessel that contains the carrion, and then Allah sends down (v.) forbid the carcass (QS Al-Maarij [05]: 3), we concentrate container tersebut.Secara dalâlah (lafadz) can be concluded that the statement of 'Umar which states: 'Arafnâ dzâlika al yawm wa-al-al-eating ladzî nazalat fîhi' ala an-nabiy (we really know the day and place of the verse was revealed to the Prophet saw.), especially in phrases: al-ladzî nazalat fîhi ' ala an-nabiy, similar to the expression of: nazalat hâdzihi al-fi kadzâ paragraph (this verse was revealed in this context). In this case, according to Ibn Taimiyah, there is a difference, whether the means or the commentary? Including Musnad (Hadith marfû ') or not? A clear, al-Bukhari or include them as Musnad marfû '. Statement of 'Umar on the show for more, especially regarding the time and place.
While the history of the two, the dalâlah show that history is, indeed, the decrease in this paragraph. For, there is expressed with the fa 'at-ta'qîb, which berkonotasi result. However, history is not stated time and place. Therefore, most of the tafsir scholars, both classical and contemporary, such as Ibn Katsir and as-Sayis, for example, states that the decrease in the time and place of this verse refers to the history of al-Bukhari, as stated by 'Umar at the top. Meanwhile, the decrease in preference clause is rarely mentioned, except in history as-Suyuthi above.
Paragraph, this is not the last verse revealed to the messenger because the messenger is still alive after over 81 days. Verses that was revealed after the other, respectively, paragraph kalâlah, usury, and dayn (debt). Flysoul After paragraph (QS 2: 281) and dayn revealed, the Messenger is still alive for 9 nights. A clear, al-Maarij letter [5]: 3 This was revealed after the various events happening in the political life of Muslims, political entities, such as cleaning the Jews (Banu Qaynuqa ', Nadhir Banu, Banu Qurayzhah, and Khaybar) and political entities idolaters (Qurays Makkah ), conquest of Makkah, and the nomadic tribe tunduknya-nomadic tribe in the Arabian peninsula to the state Islamic Medina.
Therefore, if appropriate in the context of Allah SWT. and then said: al-Yawm [a] ya'is [a] al-ladîna kafarû min dînikum (Today, the disbelievers despair of religion). Here, using the phrase Allah al-ladzîna kafarû which is shîghat general, without takhshîsh, so keep konotasinya general, covering all the unbelievers. That is, after all these events, the unbelievers, both Jews, Christians and Pagans, has been desperate to destroy the religion and defeat you. Therefore, Allah then says: Fala takhsyawhum wakhsyawnî (Do not you fear them, but you takutlah to me). Here, God declares the fa 'at-ta'qîb, which explains the reason why the believers can not and do not even need to fear the disbelievers, but should only fear God. For, those who disbelieve, it does not feel able to destroy the religion and also the people.
Then God said, al-Yawm [a] akmaltu lakum dînakum (Today, I have perfected your religion for you), which means that explicitly, this paragraph states, that since this day (Friday, when the Prophet wuquf in 'Arafah) religious This was perfect, and no additional reduction. In fact, in fact, after the paragraph is down, there are still some signs that the law is revealed, as described above. Therefore, according to the as-Suyuthi, phrase: akmaltu lakum dînakum this is a form of isykâl (ambiguous). However, the ambiguous can be explained by as-Sayis well. According to him, that God has meant this is the perfect religion, that before the decrease in this paragraph, the laws of Islam, according to the knowledge of God-Temporal, and the potential for in-nasakh (deleted), but now everything is perfect and feasible to be implemented at each time and place. Here, perfection is seen in the Islamic substansinya when he teaches the basics of faith, law legislation (tasyrî 'al-ahkâm), and the individual (qawânîn al-ijtihad). On the other hand, people usually use the Arabic word din (religion) with the connotation that Syari'ah disyariatkan, covering faith and law Syariat; both religious, economic, governmental, social, education, or the other. This means, as the teachings, the teachings of Islam is perfect, covers all aspects of human life. No more Syariat aspects that have not been covered in it. This is reinforced by the word of God:
) ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شيء (
We have sent down to thee the Book of al-(al-Quran) to explain everything. (QS an-Nahl [16]: 89).
Meanwhile, the word of God that says, atmamtu wa 'alaykum ni'matî (I have perfected for you My favor), is meant to enter the city of Makkah favors the safe and quiet, while previously they have been expelled from Makkah and not to enter . However, after the conquest of Makkah, the idolaters of Makkah cleaned. Then, after the fall of Barâ'ah (at-Taubah), they are prohibited from doing Hajj in the House so that Islam can perform the Hajj with a calm and Hajj does not interfere with the idolaters.
Furthermore, Allah said: radhîtu lakum wa al-Islam [a] din [a] (I have meridhai you Islam as a religion). Said al-Islam here can mean musytarak (a word with many connotations), between the subject and the name of a particular religion, and may mean manqûl (words that have transformed its meaning from context to context Syariat language). Therefore, the principle applies here: al-manqûl râjih 'ala al-musytarak (word manqûl stronger rather than words musytarak). Thus, the phrase has connotations that God has meridhai al-Islam (Islam) as the religion of the Prophet Muhammad and the people. This is reinforced with the word of God:
) إن الدين عند الله الإسلام (
Indeed, religion (which diridhai) in the sight of Allah is Islam. (QS Ali 'Imran [3]: 19).
) ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه (
Anyone who is looking for religion than Islam, it was not that religion will be accepted. (QS Ali 'Imran [3]: 85).
Radhîtu lakum phrase wa al-Islam [a] din [a] is the proposition that out as the religion of Islam was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. This can be understood from the structure of the sentence: radhîtu lakum wa al-Islam [a] din [an], with a preface lakum rather than object, al-Islam, which can mean hashr (to "only"-kan). Thus, can be defined, that He only meridhai Islam as a religion for you. This is in general al-verse commentary on the Quran.
Tafsir discourse: the connotations Din al-Quran
Those West straiteneth connotations the word has been only limited to the din spiritualisme and ritualisme, not more. In Arabic, the word is the word din musytarak (contains many meanings). Al-Quran sometimes use the word with connotations din replies (jazâ ') and accountability (computation), for example:
) فما يكذبك بعد بالدين (
Does that cause you deny (days) after the retaliation (the proofs) that? (QS at-Tin [95]: 7).
The word also can mean thâ'ah (obedient), for example:
) وادعوه مخلصين له الدين (
Worship God with mengikhlaskan ketaatanmu Him. (QS Al-A'raf [7]: 29).
can mean 'âdah (tradition), for example:
) لكم دينكم ولي دين (
To you your religion and tradition for tradition religion. (QS Al-Kafirun [109]: 6).
can also mean millah (religion), for example:
) شرع لكم من الدين ما وصى به نوحا والذي أوحينا إليك وما وصينا به إبراهيم وموسى وعيسى أن أقيموا الدين ولا تتفرقوا فيه (
He was religious about mensyariatkan you what has diwasiatkan him to Noah, that which We have revealed unto thee, and that which We have wasiatkan to Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, namely: Tegakkanlah religion and you do not-broken to pieces of it. (QS-Syura as [42]: 13).
can also mean syarî'at (faith and the law), for example:
) أفغير دين الله يبغون (
Will they find religion (faith and the law) the other's religion (faith and the law of) Allah. (QS Ali 'Imran [3]: 83).
Can also mean that the (al-things), power (as-sulthân), duress (al-qahr), maksiat (al-ma'shiyyah) and what the religion someone (yatadayyana bihi ar-rajul) Therefore, to determine meaning which is more appropriate to use the word must be returned in the qarînah lafdhiyyah (indicator words) that exist.
However, in al-Quran, religious connotations din as stated in general; millah cover, which means the basics of monotheism (ashl at-tawhîd), which teaches that there is no god but Allah, and syarî'at, including faith and Syariat law. Meanwhile, the din in the context of Islam is not Syariat down to the Prophet Muhammad saw. to set the human relationship with God, self, and each other.
Thus, the use of the term refers to the din of religious connotations, especially for the Islamic-style with a spiritualisme and ritualisme an sich is ahistoris.
Wacana Tafsir: Islam is a belief system and
Islam is the name used by Allah SWT. to mention the religion revealed to Prophet Muhammad saw., as stated in the letter of al-Maarij v. 3: radhîtu lakum wa al-Islam [a] din [an, or stated in the letter of Ali 'Imran: 85: waman yabtaghi ghayr [ a] al-Islam [a] din [a].
The scholars have agreed, that Islam is not only consists of a belief, but also Syariat. Syaltut Mahmud, a former al-Azhar Sheikh, said:
Who are mengimani faith (Islam) and ignore or take syariatnya Syariat but leave the faith, then according to God, he is not Muslim, and Islam in the eyes, he does not menapaki road keselamatan.Inilah expressed in the word Allah.:
) ياأيها الذين ءامنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة (
O those who believe, you go to the Islamic religion in the kâffah (total). (QS Al-Baqarah [2]: 208).
In this case, Ibn Manzhur states, that is meant to go in with the whole Islamic syariatnya. Furthermore, Syaltut, that Islam requires the belief diintegrasikannya Syariat; each can not be separated. Is the basic belief that emit Syariat, while Syariat physical existence is born of faith. In other words, faith is the foundation, while building Syariat is standing on top of it. Therefore, faith without Syariat exist without a foundation of building, so abstract and difficult to measure. Instead, the building is also not without foundation as possible, because it will collapse. Therefore also, the scholars said, that faith is a spiritual aspect, while the physical aspect is Syariat.
Meanwhile, the syar'î, faith is faith that is rounded in accordance with reality (which diimani) and from the proof relating to God, angels, books, messengers, and the Day of Resurrection qadhâ 'qadar and the good and bad comes from God swt. Instead, the system is Syariat disyariatkan by God or the system-the basic principle disyariatkan by God to be used by people to manage the relationship with God, self, and each other. In this case, 'as-Saqqaf Alwi exactly once stated:
Allah sent down this Syariat to His Messenger saw. Described in all things that are required by his being in mengemban responsibilities are to them and ritualitas who were laid to shoulder them. Messenger of Allah. will not pass away before this perfect religion, with the testimony of Allah SWT. in these things, saying said:
) اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا (
On this day have I perfected your religion for you, recruit you to favor me, and Islam as a religion meridhai you. (QS Al-Maarij [5]: 3).
Therefore, anyone who thought that there is still something in this religion that has not been perfect, sejatinya suspicion that has been rejected with the word of God is.
Thus, Islam is a religion of perfect and complete, covering all aspects of human life. There is no single issue that has not been solved by Islam still so vague or unclear legal status. Prophet saw. Said:
«قد تركتكم على البيضاء ليلها كنهارها لا يزيغ عنها بعدي إلا هالك»
I have left you in the bright-light, night is like day day; after which there will not be lost unless the person unlucky. (HR Ahmad bin Sariyyah from Irbadh).
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In everyday life we often hear people say that X is the people who have a high discipline, while the Y of the less disciplined. A person who usually have high specific discipline to the person who always comes on time, adhere to the rules, behave in accordance with the norms that apply, and the like. Conversely, a less disciplined people who are usually directed to people who can not or does not obey the rules and regulations apply, either from the community (convention-informal), government regulations or set by a particular institution (organizational-formal).
A student in the learning activities in schools will not be separated from the various rules and order imposed on the school, and each student is claimed to be able to behave in accordance with the rules and disciplinary regulations in force in the school. Compliance and adherence to the various students and disciplinary rules which apply in the normal school students called discipline. While regulation, order, and various other provisions that attempt to manage the behavior of students called the school discipline. School discipline is a business school to keep students' behavior in order not to deviate and can encourage students to behave in accordance with the norms, rules and order applicable in the school. According to Wikipedia (1993) that school discipline "refers to students complying with a code of behavior often known as the school rules." The definition of school rules (school rule), such as rules about dress standards (standards of clothing), the accuracy of the time, social behavior and ethics study / work. Understanding of school discipline sometimes applied also to provide penalties (sanctions) as a consequence of violations of rules, although sometimes a controversy in applying the method pendisiplinannya, so stuck in the physical form of the error treatment (physical maltreatment) and the error psychological treatment (psychological maltreatment), as disclosed by Irwin A. Hyman and Pamela A. Snock in his book "Dangerous School" (1999).

With regard to the purpose of school discipline, Maman Rachman (1999) revealed that the purpose of school discipline are: (1) provide support for the creation of deviant behavior that is not, (2) encourage students to do the good and true, (3) help students understand and adjust with environmental demands and avoid doing things that are forbidden by the school, and (4) students learn life with the habits of good and useful for him and the environment. Meanwhile, with the quote thought Moles, Joan Gaustad (1992) points out: "School discipline has two main goals: (1) Ensure the safety of staff and students, and (2) create an environment conducive to learning." Meanwhile, Wendy Schwartz (2001) states that "the goals of discipline, once the need for it is determined, should be to help students accept personal responsibility for their actions, understand why a behavior change is necessary, and commit themselves to change." This senada raised by Wikipedia (1993) that the goal of school discipline is to create security and a comfortable learning environment, especially in the classroom. In the classroom, if a teacher is not able to apply discipline with both the students may become less motivated and have a particular emphasis, and learning atmosphere to be less conducive to the learning achievements of students.
Keith Devis said, "Discipline is the action to enforce management standarts organization" and therefore need to develop preventive and corrective discipline. Preventive discipline, namely the students' efforts to follow and comply with regulations. With that addition, students can be disciplined and maintain itself against the existing regulations. Corrective discipline, which is directing the effort to keep students comply with the regulations. For those who violate the sanctions to be given lessons and improve themselves and thus maintain the existing rules.
Discuss the discipline of the school can not be released to the issue of negative student behavior. Negative behavior that occurred among students in the youth of late seems to have very mengkhawarirkan, such as: free sex life, involvement in drugs, gang and various motor actions that menjurus towards other criminals, who can not only harm themselves, but also harm the public. Internal environment in the school was in violation of various rules and order the school still often found that stretch of the offense level up to the lightweight high-level violations, such as: case truant, rhubarb, nyontek, pemalakan, theft and diversion forms of behavior are lainnya.Tentu , requires that all efforts to prevent and penanggulangganya, and where the importance of school discipline.
Form and behavior of students is influenced by various factors, among others, environmental factors, family and school. Could not be denied that the school is one of the dominant factors in shaping and influencing behavior of students. A student in the school interact with the teachers who educate and mengajarnya. Attitude, example, the act and words of the teachers who see and hear and are considered by both students can seep in to the entrance in the heart and its impact sanubarinya sometimes exceed the influence of her parents at home. Attitudes and behavior that is displayed on the teacher's basically a part of the effort pendisiplinan students at the school.
Brown Dan Brown group behavior causes some students indisiplin, as follows:
Behavior can not be disciplined by the teacher
Behavior can not be disciplined by the school; school conditions that are less exciting, less regularly, and other behavior that can cause little or no discipline.
Does not discipline the behavior may be caused by students, students who come from broken families are home.
Does not discipline the behavior may be caused by the curriculum, curriculum that is not too rigid, not flexible or less, is too forced and others can cause behavior that is not discipline, in the process of learning and in particular in the education process in general.
Due to the above problems, a teacher must be able to regenerate in the self-discipline students, especially self-discipline. In this regard, teachers should be able to do the following:
Help students develop a pattern of behavior for himself; every student comes from different backgrounds, have different characteristics and abilities that are different, in this regard, teachers should be able to serve so many differences in each student can find himself and develop teak itself optimally.
Help students improve standards prilakunya because the students come from a variety of different backgrounds, they will clearly have a high standard behavior, even behavior that have a standard which is very low. This must be anticipated by every teacher and try to improve, both in teaching and learning process in the association in general.
Using the implementation of the rules as a tool; in every school there are general rules. Both the special rules and general rules. Perturan-regulation should be carried out-thought and well, that does not happen violations that encourage negative behavior or discipline.
Next, Brown Dan Brown also revealed the importance of discipline in the education process and learning to teach the following:
Respect for authority / authorities; discipline will bring about the position of each student, both in class and outside class, such as the position as the student who must be respectful of teachers and principals.
Efforts to inculcate cooperation; discipline in the process of learning can be used as an effort to inculcate cooperation, both between students, students with teachers, and students with their environment.
Needs to be organized; discipline can be used as an effort to instill in each student self-organized on demand.
Respect for others; with a high-thought and discipline in the process of learning, each student will know and understand about the rights and obligations, and will respect and appreciate the rights and obligations of others.
Needs to do things that are not fun; in life always found it a fun and not fun. Through this discipline the students are prepared to afford the things that little or no fun in life in general and in the process of learning in particular.
introduce an example of discipline does not, by giving examples of behavior that is not expected to discipline students can avoid it or be able to distinguish which behavior and discipline that is not discipline.
Meanwhile, Reisman and Payne (E. Mulyasa, 2003) revealed general design strategy discipline students, namely: (1) self-concept, self-concept for the students so that students can behave discipline, teachers are advised to be empatik, accepting, warm and open , (2) communication skills; skilled teachers to communicate effectively so that is able to accept the feelings of students and encourage compliance; (3) consequences logical and natural; recommended teachers can show the exact behavior that is wrong, so that helps students in them, and take advantage of a result -logical and natural consequences of behavior is wrong; (4) values clarification; teachers help students in a question about their own values and form their own value system; (5) transactional analysis; teacher suggested teachers learn as adults, especially when dealing with students who have problems, (6) reality therapy; schools should strive to reduce failure and increase involvement. Teachers need to be positive and responsible, and (7) discipline that is integrated, this method emphasizes the full control by the teacher to develop and maintain regulations; (behavior modification, behavior caused by the wrong environment. Therefore, in learning need to create a conducive environment ; (9) challenges to the discipline, teachers are expected businesslike, very organized, and in the control of the firm. This approach assumes that students will face various limitations on the first day at school, and teachers need to let them know who is in position as a leader.
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** Milis Nasional Indonesia PPI-India ** REPUBLIKA
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Menyoal School-Based Management
By: KusmantoGuru SMUN Wonosari-Klaten
Strategy in improving the quality of education, one of them tried a new approach to the management of quality school-based education (school-based quality management). Concept that was launched by the Education Ministry, 1-2 years ago, this stand of the theory of effective school with a focus on process improvement pendidikan.Manajemen own school-based efforts is the adaptation of the new paradigm of education decentralization. Giving rights to autonomous schools to develop a positive initiative for himself. MBS (School-Based Management) - according to Dr. JC Tukiman Taruna, a specialist education - in an ideal implementation mensyarakan some things, namely: a) Improvement of Quality Management to the school through financial transparency, participatory planning, accountability and responsibility (accountability ). b) Improvement of learning through PAKEM (active learning, creative, effective and fun). c) Increasing the role of the community through frequent / large number of public awareness of the increasing dimensions of success sekolah.Untuk MBS have some indicators that diprasyaratkan, among them are: 1) the school environment a safe and orderly. 2) The school has a mission and who want to target the quality achieved. 3) The school has strong leadership. 4) There are high expectations of achievement for school personnel. 5) The development of school staff who continue to Iptek according to demand. 6) The implementation of the ongoing evaluation of various aspects of academic, administrative, and use the results to perfection and quality improvement. 7) There is an intensive communication and support from parents and masyarakat.Pendekatan MBS selected in order to improve the quality of education, which allows the transfer of decision-making authority of the office of the central and / kandep to the school level. In addition, management provides the authority for wider control of the school principal, teachers, students, and parents of the education process in schools, through the provision of the responsibility to make budget decisions, personnel, and implementation of the curriculum. With the involvement of teachers, parents, community members and others in this important decision-making, menajemen this can create a learning environment more effective for students (hero, 2001). The purpose MBS own mengefektifkan efforts directed at the management school in the hope that: 1) Individual involved in competent decision making. 2) Member school community have rights. 3) Focus on the responsibility (accountability). 4) Creativity in the planning program. 5) The setting back human resources. 6) The allocation of more budget realistis.Drs Sugiaryo, MPd, Sulis and Agung Nugroho - specialist developers of education initiatives and competency-based curriculum (KBK) - in an academic essays, in journals Joglo Vol VI No 1, 2003, to provide analysis of why MBS referred to as a renewal in management education. MBS has a goal that orientatif, among them: 1) MBS as a media culture change in schools. 2) MBS as a medium of internal and external needs in schools. 3) Focus is on the MBS and the recipient of our services. 4) MBS is anticipating a change for the purpose of MBS will datang.Namun above will not be successful without accompanied by strategic steps. MBS will be the only discourse only. For the MBS requires prerequisite conditional namely: First, it is necessary to have a strategic agenda for the Training and professional development for teachers and other components of school teaching, school management, and solutions masalah.Kedua, it is necessary to have information about the performance of schools to the needs of parents and community and school resources to help schools make the decision component of jitu.Ketiga, the system needs to reward (reward) as a recognition of the efforts in participatory development and improvement of quality / performance of the school. Fourth, there is the principal leadership and the availability of skilled guidance mechanism to direct the implementation of curriculum and instructional efforts lainnya.Kelima, dirumuskannya and diwujudkannya vision, mission, goals, strategies, objectives, and activities at various schools tersebut.Namun values / concepts in the implementation of the ideal MBS will not be optimally successful, when structural and cultural obstacles can not be resolved through the action agenda by supporting the various components pembelajaran.Kendala structural strength is not Goodwill's education authorities at the central / regional / school to develop a climate in the democratization of education and interaction school bureaucracy. During this time there is the reality that the 'school' digs into a variety of corruption practices in the education world. And the school principal who holds the authority and "power" over the school's internal policies, is the representative of the institution / educational bureaucracy on top of it. So do not become "part" of the relationship bottom up with the stakeholders of the school component of the cultural lain.Kendala, ie still a strong school culture patronatif and ewuh pakewuh the process of making important decisions at the school is not determined by the components vital / critical school. However, by the holder of "power" bureaucracy pendidikan.Untuk complete structural and cultural problem above, it is necessary to strengthen the role and function of "institutional" communication multi-stakeholders in the school and needs help sekolah.Sucsses MBS depends on support from their own community and the leadership of the principal professional, authoritative, and accountable. Support community in the operationalization of MBS can be done through the optimization function and the School Committee of the Board of Education. School Committee as a non-bureaucratic institutions that function in mengartikulasikan aspirations, coordinate the design-action issues in the policy and monitoring performance. However the existence of the School Committee or the Board of Education has not been optimal, because it is still strong, political education in a variety of bureaucratic intervention in the policy of the school and the teaching-learning process in the MBS school.In, School Committee is expected to have a continuous initiatives, to encourage professionalism in the leadership of the school principal. How or do not want, vital components of success MBS is the optimization of the principal professional, modernis, visionaris, and educational orientation. School Committee can at least supervise the performance of school principals to be able to play a role in the optimal function of leadership MBS.Karakter ideal leadership principals according to the mission / vision of the MBS itself is school has at least the paradigm to improve the quality of education in the place where he serve. The principal is to be professionals - who understand the strategy plan to improve the quality of schools, formulate program quality learning, and have a SWOT analysis (strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, threats) about the actual school environment interaction and learning in sekolah.Beberapa time ago, the issue was about the need terbetik principals selected directly by the school - as a method to determine the "form" the principal of quality. The direct election of the school principal is to reduce dependence and practices corruption associated with the education bureaucracy. In the direct election of the school principal, the selection is necessary administrative and intellectual. The school has a required "Renstra" (strategic plan) development of quality schools. Unfortunately ideas / discourse election principals directly, by resolution mechanism hierarkhi "career positions" in the education bureaucracy, and there has not been any "radical" to mengubahnya.Saat this required cooperation between the various parties-concerned with the education level in the micro (school), to be able to support high quality school leadership, in the process a gradual
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Media Create Interactive Learning with Presentation Software

Ouda TEDA Ena
ILCIC (Korean Language and Culture Intensive Course)
University Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta

To date, the interactive media BIPA has not been developed with the optimal in Indonesia. One of the constraints of the development of interactive media is less dikuasainya technology development of interactive media by the teachers and managers in BIPA.
Software development of learning materials available at this time as Course Builder, Visual Basic, or Dream Weaver complex enough so that only occupied by the computer programmers and managers BIPA, in general, just learning the language. So the development of learning materials with interactive computer less optimal.

Development of interactive media can BIPA with optimal cooperation between computer programmers with the program BIPA. A more ideal is a pengelaloa BIPA the computer program.
The goal of this workshop is to create a media BIPA easily, even for people who are blind even though a computer program.
BIPA making interactive learning media will use this presentation software Microsoft Powerpoint 2000, a software that provides many benefits for language learning. Two main advantages of this software are:
(a) available in all computer berprogram Microsoft Office;
(b) can be developed by a blind person a computer program.
Although the software is easy and simple but can provide a great benefit for learning the language. This software can display text, images, sound, and video. Thus, this software can accommodate all of the interactive language learning activities such as listening, reading, writing and language also play games. Views of the resulting software can semenarik program that was built with a sophisticated software.

A. Learning Languages
Learning foreign languages is a complex process with many complicated phenomenon that is not so surprising that this can have a meaning that is different for each person (Ellis, 1994). Learning is affected by several factors. Main factors that are associated closely with pemerolehan language is foreign language learners, learners external factors, internal factors learners, and learners as individuals.
Language learners is one of many symptoms that the researchers observed pemerolehan to see a foreign language. One of the symptoms of language learners, for example this is a mistake. With the error that may have seen the language pemerolehan someone who in turn approaches a specific learning or teaching can be applied.
Factors outside or inside pembelajr own aspects that are not less important to be able to understand pemerolehan language. Outside factors such as learners and the environment interaction. Two factors influence the development of this pemerolehan foreign language. While internal factors such as learners from the influence of first language or other languages. Another factor that is not less important is the learners themselves as an individual. Each has a difference of learners with other learners. They have different learning strategies.
Interactive media is a media that is made to meet the various needs of foreign language learners at one or all the factors that affect second language pemerolehan found this difficult.

B. Learning Media
Media is a tool that has the function of the message (Bovee, 1997). Media is a tool that serves to convey the message of learning. Learning is a process of communication between learners, teachers and teaching materials. Communication will not walk without assistance penyampai message or the media.
Forms of stimulus can be used as a medium of which is human interaction or relationship; realia; images moving or not, writing and voice is recorded. Fifth of this stimulus will help learners to learn a foreign language. However, not easy to get the fifth one in the form of time or place.
Tehnologi computer is an invention that allows to bring some or all of the stimulus so that learning a foreign language will be more optimal. However, problems arose not be that easy. Teachers are people who have the ability to form the fifth stimulus in the form of learning. However, most teachers do not have the ability to bring the fifth stimulus was a computer program with a computer programmer while not learning the language.
Way out is the stimulus-stimulus program in the computer using software that is easy to learn, so therefore the teacher will easily realize the ideas teaching.
Media that both must meet several requirements. Media should increase the motivation of learners. The use of the media have a goal to provide motivation to learners. In addition, the media should also stimulate learners remember what has been learned in addition to providing new stimulus to learn. Media also will enable the learners to give feedback, feedback and also encourage students to do the practices correctly.
There are several criteria to assess the effectiveness of a media. Hubbard proposes nine criteria to found (Hubbard, 1983). Kreteria first is cost. Cost must be considered with the results that will be achieved with the use of the media. Other criteria is the availability of supporting facilities such as electricity, a match with the size of the class, brevity, the ability to change, preparation time and energy, a cause, complexity, and the last is the purpose. The more the goal of learning can be assisted with a media that increasingly o.k. media.
Criteria above for more conventional media. Thorn propose six criteria to evaluate interactive multimedia (Thorn, 1995). Assessment criteria, the first is ease of navigation. A program as possible should be designed so that language learners do not need to learn the computer first. The second criteria is the womb kognisi, other criteria are the knowledge and presentation of information. Second criteria is to assess the content of the program itself, whether the program meets the needs of the learners or not. Fourth criterion is the integration of media where the media should integrate aspects of the language and skills that must be learned. In order to attract learners program should have the view that the artistic aesthetics is also a criteria. Assessment criteria is the last function as a whole. The program must be developed to provide the desired learning by learners. So that at the time a program is finished running a feeling he will have learned something.
C. Learning English with Computer
Computers have been applied to start in learning the language began in 1960 (Lee, 1996). In 40 years the computer is no different periods based on the tendency of the existing theory. The first is the period of learning with the computer with the behaviorist approach. This period marked by the repetition of the method emphasizes drill and practice. The next period is a period of learning komukatif as a reaction to behaviorist. The emphasis is more on learning the forms is not in the form itself as in the behaviorist approach.
Period or the tendency of the latter is integrated with the computer. Provide integrated learning in the press of various skills-speaking, listening, speaking, reading and writing and integrating tehnologi more fully in the learning process.
Lee formulate at least eight reasons why there is the computer as a medium for learning (Lee, 1996) The reasons for that are: experience, motivation, improve learning, authentic materials, interactions with more knowledgeable, more personal, not glued on a single source, and the understanding global.
With tersambungnya computer on the Internet then learners will gain a broader experience. Learners are not only a passive recipient but also the determination of learning for himself. Learning with the computer will give the motivation is higher because the computer is always associated with fun, games and creativity. Thus the learning process itself will be increased.
Learning with the computer will give learners the opportunity to get that authentic learning materials and can interact more widely. Learning is becoming more personal which will meet the needs of the learning strategy is different.
In addition to the advantages and benefits of learning with computers, of course, there are shortages and kelemahannaya. Obstacles the computer as a medium of learning are: funding constraints, the availability of software and computer hardware, the limited technical knowledge and acceptance of teoris and tehnologi.
Funds for the provision of computer network with enough for such expensive software and severity. Media pembelajaranpun less developed because of the limitations of technical knowledge from the teacher or the teaching personnel and limited theoretical knowledge of the language of the programmer.

D. Microsoft Powerpoint 2000
Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 presentation is the application that is one of the application under Microsoft Office. The biggest advantage of this program is not need to purchase the software because it is in Microsoft Office. So at the time of installation of Microsoft Office program itself will be installed. This will reduce the burden on barriers to the development of the computer as presented by Lee.
The advantage of this program is sederhananya display icons. Icons making the presentation more or less the same as the icons that Microsoft Word is known by most computer users. The user does not need to learn programming language. With the icon that is known and pengoprasian language program without the constraints of learning with a computer can be reduced hanbatan the technical and theoretical knowledge. Teachers or linguists can make a program of learning the language without having to learn a computer language first.
Although the program is actually an application program to create presentations, but there are facilities that can be used to make the language learning program. Dihasilkanpun program that will be quite interesting. Other advantage is that this program can connect to the Internet network.
1. Insert Text, Picture, Sound and Video
Facilities that are important from the program apliokasi this is a facility to display the text. With this facility the program can display different text for different purposes such as learning to write, read, or learning the other.
How to enter text in the program this application cukuip simple. After the computer and enter the Power-point program in 2000 and after selecting the type of display screen so the user can press the menu insert will appear after the various options. One option is the insert textbox. Press the menu and text box will appear in the display presentation. The next step is to copy the text you want included and then menempelkannya (paste) in the box provided. If you do not want to copy can also write directly in the text box that is available.
To enter a picture langkahnyapun same way to enter text. First press the menu insert after insert menu select picture. After this menu is selected the two options will appear from the file ... and clip art from ... When programmers want to include images from the file then press the first option and if you want to use images from clip art that is already in the computer then press the second option.
Voice and video are the two facilities provided by Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 that support the programming language learning. To enter the video press the menu and then press insert the movies and sounds. So the two options will appear for each. For voice (sounds) appear sounds and sounds from a file from Gallery as well as for the movies will be shown options Movies Movies from file or from Gallery. Programmers choose to live that type of file will be included.
2. Make interesting viewing
Views manarik which will increase interest and motivation for learners to run the program. There are some facilities that are provided to make the look interesting. Facility is the first background. Background program will embellish the look. There are several types of background are offered, the first is the color, the second with the texture and the third is to install the image from the file itself.
Step is the background by pressing the menu and then pressing the menu background. After that will appear background fill options, more color and fill effects. When programmers want to choose colors that already exist then press apply, if you want to choose your own color press and more color, select the color and press apply, and if you want to give the texture image itself, or press and then fill effects, or select the texture image and press apply.
Other facilities that will make the display more interesting is the animation facilities. With this facility the pictures and text will appear to the screen in a way that appear vary. This facility allows animated images or other objects appearing from different directions or with a different way. Objects can fly from the top, bottom, right, left, or from a corner. Objects can also appear from the middle or from the edge. With a little creativity this facility could generate an interesting language games.
Making animation begins by selecting the objects that will be made animation by clicking the object. After that select the Slide Show menu and then select Custom Animation. After pressing the menu that will appear among the various choices and order to set the timing and sequence of time appear to the screen effects and also the option to set the desired effect.
3. Creating Hyperlinks
This facility is very important and support the language learning process because the program can hyperlink to other programs connected to the network or the Internet. Hyperlink or relationship in one program will allow programmers to give feedback directly to the learning process. Relationships with other programs will enrich the learning facilities that support and relationship with the internet will open the possibility of learning a variety of the more knowledgeable, personal and authentic.
Hyuperlink step of making is to select the item that will link us to other programs or the Internet. After we select the object we click on the insert menu and then clicking on the hyperlink then the dialog box will appear and then we write the address dituju for example a file or a website and then click OK then the object will be connected to the address written. The second way is through the slide show and then pressing the action settings, after that the dialog box will appear. Fill with the address and click the OK then the object will be connected to the desired address.
Facilities above the main facility is in the development of language learning materials using Microsoft Powerpoint 2000. Other facilities are additional facilities to make the program look more interesting and easy to use.

E. Developing Language Learning Skills with Microsoft Powerpoint 2000

Development of learning materials, especially listening and reading can be developed easily with this program. Language learning materials produced by the very day the application is quite interesting, especially learning the material in the form of the game.
1. Read
Facilities show the text in the application allows the creation of learning material with easy-reading skills. The program can enter text in the first slide, then enter the second slide dlam practice and feedback exercises in the next slide. To attach the display of text-reading the text can also be equipped with various images. If you want to provide the learning materials that can be more authentic then given a web site address. Learners will read the text on the site and then return to the program and do the exercises and then view the slide feedback.
2. Listen
With facilities include voice and video learning the skills to listen to have more choice of variations. Programmers can create learning materials with video or audio. As with the learning materials, exercises and feedback can be provided in the slide-slide different. Facilities hyperlink that allows the program associated with the Internet network will enhance the provision of learning materials.
3. Writing and Speaking
Limited application program is on the feedback in the form of writing. This program does not have facilities which enable learners to provide feedback in writing or vote. However, limitations in the program provides feedback to vote for this can be corrected with a combination of learning strategies, namely self-learning and incorporate a pair. After running a computer program are given the task of learners to interact with other learners.
Meanwhile, to overcome the limitations in the feedback form memberika any posts can be overcome with practice facilities hyperlink. At the time there is the task of writing dihubungan learners with programs that have facilities such as writing a Microsoft Word for example.

F. Create Games
Facilities that have above also support the development of learning materials in the form of the game. Skill games like hangman or a mine Sweep program can be developed with this application as well as games that rely on speed.
Each game is made, of course, should be adjusted with the goal of learning. Games mine sweeper (Sweep mine) for example can be used to facilitate learning vocabulary, the system verba language or learning the words before.

G. Limited Program
In addition to the benefits of the program had been presented this application has some limitations. Main limitation is that learners can not interact directly to write a comment or a question that is. Facilities that have facilitated responses only in the form of options.
However, with the limitations this program is still offering enough facilities to create a program for learning languages easily with the results of interest. Selamat mencoba.


Bovee, Courland. 1997. Business Communication Today, Prentice Hall: New York.
Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Prentice Hall Regents: New Jersey.
Davis, Ben. 1991. Teaching with Media, a paper presented at Technology and Education Conference in Athens, Greece.
Elliot, Stephen N et al. 1996. Educational Psychology, Brown and Benchmark: Dubuque, Iowa.
Hubbard, Peter et al. 1983. A Training Course for TEFL, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Hunter, Lawrence. 1996. CALL: Its Scope and Limits, The Internet Tesl Journal, Vol. II, No.6, June 1996, http:/ ~ iteslj /
Idris, S. Nuny 1999. Variety Media In BIPA. A Paper presented at KIPBIPA III, Bandung.
Jonassen, David H. 1996. Computer as a Mindtools for Schools. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
Kemp, E. Ferrod 1980. Planning and producing Audiovisual Materials. Harper and Row: New York.
Lee, Kwuang-wu. 2000. English Teachers' Barriers to the Use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. The Internet Tesl Journal, Vol. VI, No. 12, December 2000. http:/ ~ iteslj /
Schocolnik, Miriam. 1999. Using Presentation Software to Enhance Language Learning. The Internet Tesl Journal, Vol. V, No.3, March 1999, http:/ ~ iteslj /

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